Well, I dug up everything I could find by searching the forums for "Dirk". He has made a total of 3 posts since joining the zug. The content of those posts are as follows:
Posted on: Jun 16 2005, 06:37 AM
Recently I soldered a Mitsumi Bluetooth module into my Sl-6000. This works very well.
A picture is available here
http://www.do13.de/openzaurus/pictures/tosa_bluetooth.jpg This project isn't finished. The switching of the supply voltage is missing.
If this step is done I will provide some further information.
Posted on: May 10 2005, 08:39 AM
QUOTE(guylhem @ Apr 26 2005, 09:23 PM)
segor.de : WML AHR C09
6 wires and you're done (TX RX CTS RTS GND 5V)
I'am also interested in soldering a bluetooth module into my Sl-6000. Do you know the pinout of the pads for the internal module?
Posted on: Apr 13 2005, 07:57 PM
can anyone give an idea when (or even if ) 2.6 will be available on the 6000?
2.6 for the sl-6000 is in a early stage. Only a few drivers are ready:
- Keyboard
- Nand
- Display
- Backlight
- USB client
Things which needs to be ported:
- AC97 (Sound / Touchscreen)
- USB -Host (WLAN)
- Charging stuff
- Bluetooth
- Expansion jacket
- Some issues with suspend / resume
So this kernel isn't really usable at this time. All these patches are available in openembedded.
Anyhow, it wasn't exactly the treasure trove of knowledge that I was hoping for but it's a start. I've sent him a personal message requesting the part number for the Mitsumi module that he used. I've also asked if he installed the blue LED and exactly what parts and method he used to do so. I WAS pleased to see in the link that he provided that he decided to go the "wire" route himself.
My major concern with using his experience as a precedent is the ambiguity of his post on the subject. He says to begin with that "this works very well", and that makes me think he had a solid finished product. However he then in the same posts says "This project isn't finished. The switching of the supply voltage is missing. If this step is done I will provide some further information." and I don't know if he means that the switching of the supply voltage is a necessary step he still needs to finish in order to have a finished product, or if that was just something "extra" that would better the performance, (such as give greater range etc.) It's not very encouraging that he never provided the further information that he hoped he would be able to.
At any rate, my friend was elated at finding out most of the details (such as the blue led being non-essential to the working product) etc. but reiterated that he wishes to see that a finish product was installed AND definitely worked in conjuction with a few peripherals- such as a bt phone or keyboard/mouse before he is willing to start working on the first 6000L. Being that he is my only pheasible way to get this done, I'm REAAAAALLY hoping I can get word back from Dirk soon.
Again, I'll let everyone know how things go as we progress.
Thanks Guyhelm- as always you've been a HUGE source of knowledge (folks like you absolutely amaze me- your cross-discipline knowledge is truly astonishing!)
Be Safe Everyone,