Author Topic: Oz 3.5.4 Rc Bug & Work-around List  (Read 43323 times)


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Oz 3.5.4 Rc Bug & Work-around List
« Reply #45 on: November 25, 2005, 06:00:47 am »
Have a word with hrw, he's our resident bluetooth expert. You might find it easier to talk to him on irc - #openzaurus is probably the best channel for this conversation.
Will try to get in touch with him, but I almost never do irc. Way too much time consuming, generally, I prefer email & web browsing, even if irc is faster to get things fixed.

Is this not present on the Opie image? Take a look here:
No, the Opie ROM lets me suspend the C3000 Zaurus, as far as I could tell, using the on/off button.

BTW your wifi card should also work 'out of the box' with GPE; was there no browser built-in in the GPE image? gpe-minibrowser or something like that?
Didn't even have a chance to test it: I had to go away from home, and that's when I discovered the suspend bug (impossible to suspend the zaurus, so I took it "as is" with me). Later I realized that it was still switched on after more than a couple of hours, and the GPE ROM was quickly replaced by something else.

I'll do some more testing in a few days/weeks, as soon as I have finished moving house to another city!


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« Reply #46 on: November 27, 2005, 03:28:25 pm »
This is all on the C1000. I haven't gotten a chance to test anything on the 5500 yet.

On a SL-C1000 too.


OZ/GPE: This is showing real progress, but still has some issues. 


Issue #2:
This could be user error but I haven't found a button anywhere to suspend yet. (And before anyone asks, I have tried holding the power button).  I've been suspending by opening up a root shell and running
Code: [Select]
apm --suspend which seems to work fine.  It might be handy to have that in the menu or on the desktop somewhere.  Resume with the power buttom seems to work fine as well.

[div align=\"right\"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a][/div]

I'm testing out of the openembedded repository (so hopefully close to the next RC).

You might be interested to know that the package suspend-desktop was added to the GPE image, which provides a menu for suspending the machine.

The only problem is that resuming won't work if running as a non-root user... but that's another issue, I think (bug filed : [a href=\"][/url] .

Best regards,
Zaurus SL-C1000 - OpenZaurus w/ GPE image (some packages "custom made", compiled at home from bitbake+openembedded)


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« Reply #47 on: November 27, 2005, 05:21:38 pm »
Hi, I tried 3.5.4-RC with my sl5600 and got the following error when i tried to use runcompat with opera/other apps:

No Qt/Embedded server appears to be running
If you want to run this program as a server, add the "-qws" command-line option

Using -qws just messes everything up

Oh, and for some reason opie keeps freezing, it has happened several times without any consistency as to what programs are running. I have reflashed several times and still have the same problem each time. I have checked the md5sums and they are correct.

I appreciate all the hard work,


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« Reply #48 on: November 28, 2005, 09:25:38 am »
ashen: use sharp-compat-libs from OZ 3.5.3 not older versions (like oz-compat).
OpenZaurus 3.5.4x Release Manager
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Oz 3.5.4 Rc Bug & Work-around List
« Reply #49 on: December 01, 2005, 12:14:15 am »
The only thing I saw that is annoying and (probably) easy to fix is with ntpdate: I had to disable the ipv6 kernel module for it to work. It was complaining about an IPV6_V6ONLY (IIRC) error.

Not that I need V6 on my Z, but having a working ntpdate by default would be nice.
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I am using SL-6000 (Tosa) and am having fits with IPV6.  I cannot disable it, and it seems to be blocking the operation of ntpdate, wget, and scp (dropbear).

I can ssh to another machine, use Konqueror to browse internet sites, ping internet addresses.

wget hangs forever after creating an empty filename (for example, it creates an empty index.html when I issue 'wget [a href=\"http://machine:80/');]http://machine:80/');[/url] scp does the same thing.

ntpdate gives the following output:
root@zoe:/# ntpdate
Looking for host and service ntp
host found :

There is no ipv6 module loaded or in /lib/modules . .. I have added 'alias net-pf-10 off' to /etc/modutils/disableipv6 and then run update-modules ... I have attempted to delete the inet6 address from the wlan0 interface using ifconfig ... but NO LUCK!

Please, is there any way to disable IPV6 globally on 3.5.4-rc1 for SL-6000??


SL-6000L,  oz 3.5.4-RC
« Last Edit: December 01, 2005, 12:21:23 am by gortsleigh »
SL-6000L, oz 3.5.4-RC


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Oz 3.5.4 Rc Bug & Work-around List
« Reply #50 on: December 01, 2005, 06:09:48 am »
ipkg remove kernel-module-ipv6
OpenZaurus 3.5.4x Release Manager
OpenEmbedded, Ångström, Poky developer
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Oz 3.5.4 Rc Bug & Work-around List
« Reply #51 on: December 01, 2005, 11:15:30 am »
ipkg remove kernel-module-ipv6
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SL6000 - no kernel-module-ipv6 installed (or kernel-module-ip6*)
SL-6000L, oz 3.5.4-RC


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« Reply #52 on: December 02, 2005, 01:23:18 pm »
Ipkg fails to install local packages. Instead, ipkg locates the package in the online feeds and installs it. Only the -offline option causes the package to be being installed.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2005, 01:27:37 pm by 7_feet_up »
Zaurus SL-5600
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Destinator CF GPS receiver
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« Reply #53 on: December 06, 2005, 09:06:36 am »
new user, 5600 bought with Sharp V1 rom, formatted & flashed to Sharp version 1.32 then flashed to OZ 3.5.4-RC

I've noticed one (possibly serious) problem which may explain why different people have different results with the same install:

Despite the warning on the OZ site that all data will be lost, my Z still has the user data and some text files I copied over while on the Sharp 1.32 Rom...
I'm guessing that other types of user-added file may also be left intact & this could account for the odd behaiviour some users see?

When I formatted with the Sharp 1.0 Rom, and also after the flash to 1.32, I had to enter my name etc. before I could continue; all user-added stuff was apparently removed.

Formatting now seems to have no effect at all.
Is there any way to restore the machine to it's 'virgin' state?

Only other problem noticed so far is that with a Symbol LA-4137 CF WiFi card inserted, attempting to open the network applet causes a solid crash with fine vertical lines on the screen.

R Jenkins.


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Oz 3.5.4 Rc Bug & Work-around List
« Reply #54 on: December 06, 2005, 09:22:25 am »
Formatting now seems to have no effect at all.
Is there any way to restore the machine to it's 'virgin' state?
The format option in your 'sharp' menu does not work with OZ. To do a clean install... in terminal do:
Code: [Select]
cd /home
rm -rf *



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« Reply #55 on: December 16, 2005, 07:15:17 pm »
I've been using this RC for a while, and i've noticed one thing that really bugs me:

When i suspend/resume with my CF wifi card, it hangs for a while on suspend, then suspends. When i turn it back on, it flashes on, then suspends, then i resume again, and it hangs while it messes with the card.

I would prefer some way of disabling pcmcia from intervening each time the zaurus is suspended/resumed. Also, if i could specify a script for the pcmcia controller to use when i suspend/resume instead, it would be great.



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Oz 3.5.4 Rc Bug & Work-around List
« Reply #56 on: December 17, 2005, 02:53:11 am »
SL6000 - no kernel-module-ipv6 installed (or kernel-module-ip6*)
[div align=\"right\"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a][/div]

I'm stuck in this same exact situation (SL-6000, OZ3.5.4RC). I can't find any workaround that will let me run ntpdate.

I noticed that in [a href=\"]the release notes[/url], the ntpdate/ipv6 bug is listed as fixed in OE. Is this true? Did the fix perhaps simply not get incorporated into this build?


I'm told this bug has indeed been fixed, but after the RC release. So it should vanish at the next release.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2005, 08:51:10 pm by Zal42 »


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Oz 3.5.4 Rc Bug & Work-around List
« Reply #57 on: December 18, 2005, 02:02:14 am »
By the way, do we report problems with the package feed contents to bugs.openembedded? They're not actually OE issues, are they?

For example, on my 6000 when I do an "ipkg upgrade", libxine tries to update, but package "libxine1" prevents it (apparently there's a mistake in the dependencies listed in the feed). The workaround is to:

ipkg remove libxine1
ipkg install libxine
ipkg upgrade

(the package names mislead. "libxine1" = version 1.0-r1 and "libxine" = version 1.0-r2)

Where's the proper place to report this (outside of here, of course!)?
« Last Edit: December 18, 2005, 02:04:36 am by Zal42 »


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« Reply #58 on: December 19, 2005, 08:55:41 pm »
Is anyone else having trouble with opie-mediaplayer2? When I use it to play mp3s. it plays them too quickly and at an uneven rate. It doesn't matter where the mp3 is stored (CF, SD, RAM, or over an NFS mount), the effect is the same.

I can stream audio correctly with esd, so the dsp stuff is fine.

If you were paying attention to my last post about fiddling with the libxine version installed  , good for you!  I suspected that right off, so I restored the original installation and have the same problem.

(SL-6000 tosa OZ 3.5.4-RC)
« Last Edit: December 19, 2005, 08:58:36 pm by Zal42 »


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« Reply #59 on: December 20, 2005, 03:50:17 am »
This thread seems to have relevant information about that:

Is some reason this isn't enabled by default? Does it actually work for *anyone* out of the box?

Zaurus SL-C1000 - Linux 2.6.22 - Angstrom/Debian dual boot - Ambicom 802.11b - 1GB Corsair SD
Nokia N800 - 2GB PQI SD card
Zaurus SL-5500 - OZ 3.5.3/Hentges T2/Opie - 64MB Lexar SD card