Hi All,
I've had a number of issues of finding a good system for listening to MP3's on my 5600. I purchased TKCPlayer but after it crashing so many times and it not being able to read ID3 tags in most of my MP3's, I gave up on it. Kino2 was alright but quirky, and so I went back to using Sharp Mediaplayer. The problem for me is that having a number of albums with files starting with "1." or "2." etc., it's hard to look through the list of files that are part of an album and then make a playlist as the files get interspersed. So I finally had some free time and wrote a quick python script that will look into a few roots (directories to walk) and for every file in every directory and subdirectory, add it to the Mediaplayer playlist (well, the playlist gets replaced with the new one). This ends up having the files in each directory added in alphabetic order. I find that then whenever I add or remove mp3's to my cf or sd card, I just rerun the script, open MediaPlayer, and then go to the album or file I want to listen to in the playlist.
The script and Mediaplayer.in file is attached (as zip) and if you're going to give it a try you will need to configure the roots in the python file as well as copy MediaPlayer.in file to ~/Settings/ (or change the python script to where you put MediaPlayer.in).
To run the script, you'll need python 2.3 installed and just type:
python playlist.py
Please backup your Mediaplayer.xml file before trying, and I'm not responsible for you trying it and not backing up before using it. =)
Thanks and hope you all find it useful!