Author Topic: C760 Charging Problem  (Read 6265 times)


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C760 Charging Problem
« on: December 29, 2005, 09:42:53 pm »
My Z took to NOT charging.  Sometimes the charge light would be on and sometimes not, either way battery would not charge in C760.  Same battery would charge in 5500 after cutting nose off to do a charge test.  After MUCH looking I found that power connection on C760 was very slightly loose on the inside back.  Tacking case apart I found that the inside lead on the back of the connector was not solidered in very well and the solider had come loose from the wire.  This could only be seen on the underside of the board (held in place by four black flat head screws on my unit) as that is the side which is solidered.  Used SMALL iron and a VERY TINY amount of additional solider and my C760 now works JUST LIKE NEW.  This post is just a hint of direction for others who can pinpoint that they have the same problem however BE VERY CAREFUL if you attempt the same fix as these boards are VERY easily damaged with either too much HEAT or SOLIDER, use care and proceed AT YOUR OWN RISK.


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C760 Charging Problem
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2006, 11:19:13 am »
I had exactly the same problem, and fixed it in exactly the same way. The problem has come back though, so I'm contemplating doing another soldering fix. Seems like this could be a common issue.

Broken SL-C760 - pdaXrom 1.1.0r121
SL-C1000 - pdaXrom 1.1.0r121 + xfce 4.4
Ambicom WL110C-CF Wifi
Buffalo 1GB SD
Lexar 1GB CF,


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C760 Charging Problem
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2006, 04:29:38 pm »
Off topic, but just in case any hardware experts read this thread & have suggestions:

One of my C860s has a repeated problem with the screen back light failing due to one cable connection.

The back light will, after some amount of machine use, gradually get harder & harder to keep on. Eventually it will fail entirely.

I discovered, by trial & error, that removing the back of the screen half of the clam shell and "reseating" the "right" end (with the C860 clam shell closed, laid flat with the opened area upper most  & the hinge away from oneself) of the cable nearest the hinge corrected the problem. For a while. Repeatedly.

Looks like Sharp made this unit with this cable just a little too short & that opening & closing the clam shell gradually pulls that connector & cable end appart till the connection fails.

Anyone have suggestions for a longer term fix?

ASIDE from Crazy Glue, That is - LOL!

BTW - the other C860 has never had this problem. And the problem machine went back to Sharp Japan, via Dynamism, while still under warrantee, but Sharp claimed that they could not, ever, replicated the problem. After having the unit in their hands for about 3 full months. Even though the failure happened again immediately on receipt of the machine back fro Dynamism.

Bob W - Miami FL
"The legs of the duck are short and
 cannot be lengthened without distress
 to the duck.

The legs of the crane are long and
 cannot be shortened without distress
 to the crane."


C860 main - Sharp 1.40 JP ROM
Language conversion by hand

alts: Cacko 1.22 / OZ 3.5.1 / pdaXrom
512Mb SanDisk SD (x2) / 512Mb SanDisk CF (x2)
Lexar 1Gb CF / AmbiCom WL1100C-CF 802.11b WiFi

Out of Hp200LX, from HP100LX, via HP95LX
Desktop MegaTower c/ twin DataPort HD racks;
12 removable HDs with multi OSs - no waiting.
