Howtos, tips etcUpdate the
pdaxrom section on the wiki. No need to ask, just go ahead.
If you want to add you site (or want to see other's people site) add it to
this pagePackages and other binaries for pdaxromIf you have compiled something new for pdaxrom, please add a reply to the New Packages Announcement thread will eventually have a better infrastructure for hosting ipks, in the meantime, I try to mirror everything on if you want to pu something there contact me via pm or mail (
I will respond with ftp access to upload your stuff, that will make it more easy for me to download your ipks from (wget...).
I prefer not to give the ftp coordinates here to avoid abuse.
Of course if you have your own feed on a site, you can simply provide me the url and I'l l mirror it on the site.
A note about the feeds: the script I use to generate the Package index file can automatically link to an html, txt, or image file with the same name as the package name.
So if you have a package like
xxx_2_armv5tel.ipk you can, if you want, provide together xxx.html, xxx.txt, xxx.png if you want to add some notes about your ipk or a screenshot.