I don't know if this is off topic.
I use Zbedic and after looking at Meanie's page, I downloaded
It doesn't have any pictures, just text.
Google should find it for you. It is 412MB and slows down launching of zbedic.
I just put it on my C3100 hard drive in same directory as the dictionary file that I normally use with zbedic.
It only slows down zbedic if it's enabled in the dictionary selection screen.
I think, I'll try making another copy of zbedic and rename it to zbedic2.
With 2 different copies of zbedic, I could load one with the usual dictionary file for fast lookup, and load the second one with the wikipedia, since it launches so slowly
EDIT: I tried making a second copy of the binary zbedic as zbedic2 and I also put it in a different tab, but if I load the wikipedia into one of them, it's loaded into both of them.
This kind of makes the "Dictionary" function of zbedic usless for a quick word lookup app.
I'm sure this is the reason, I tried the wikipedia once in zbedic and removed it.
I thought having 2 binaries with different names would allow me to run two different instances of zbedic and have one loaded with just the dictionary, and the other loaded with both the wikipedia and dictionary.
I have used this same method of copying and renaming a binary once before, and it still works for qkonsole.
(I have 2 copies of qkonsole in 2 different tabs. One runs in magnified mode, the other runs in "normal" mode)