Author Topic: New Zaurus Successor?  (Read 174617 times)


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New Zaurus Successor?
« Reply #45 on: November 14, 2006, 11:59:44 pm »
Talking about the 770, what happened to the 2nd iteration of the 770 that was rumoured/suposed to be coming soon ?

Maybe I could also live with a 770 with a keyboard as a replacement. The Kohjinsha, while it looks great is just a tad above the price limit I would afford for a smallish device. And until linux is proven to run on it  will hold off.

That is another point I have noticed - that all Zaurus replacements are more of a Desktop Linux machine in a small size unlike the Zaurus which was embedded Linux. Which makes me think that to prep myself up for such a full fledged linux machine , maybe I should switch to PDAXROM and get a taste of desktop like linux on a small package.
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That is kind of an issue for me.... if I am going to spend @ $750 us for a pint sized laptop with a really slow processor that won't fit in my pocket, why wouldn't I spend about  $200 less for a regular commercial laptop with a 14" screen and a much more powerful processor/ peripheral set (and a full sized keyboard)? I mean if I already have to carry the bag, why not save the $$ and get the performance?  an extra battery would help with the battery life issues.....

I like the idea of a tiny low powered laptop, I do. but I'm not sure if it makes sense for me.
**3100 Zubuntu Jaunty,(working on Cacko dualboot), 16G A-Data internal CF, 4G SD, Ambicom WL-1100C Cf, linksys usb ethernet,  BelkinF8T020 BT card, Belkin F8U1500-E Ir kbd, mini targus usb mouse, rechargeble AC/DC powered USB hub, psp cables and battery extenders.

**6000l  Tetsuized Sharprom, installed on internal flash only 1G sd, 2G cf


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New Zaurus Successor?
« Reply #46 on: November 15, 2006, 04:24:31 am »
i belive i am currentlly in the market for a Z replacment as the compiling issues are a PITA. the new sony UMPC looks good but what do others thing about the OQO and other UMPC,s on the market. personally they are a bit big (at least a Z will fit in my pocket) but they nearly all have wifi, bluetooth, USB and VGA out
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One good thing about this Kohjinsha is the low power consumption compared to the still power-sucking UMPCs.
Then again, for me pocketability (i mean it literally) is one of the major factors to pick a mobile device.  

Life is too precious for hacking *too much*
Visit my Z screencap gallery[/color]
My EeePC 701 Black = Debian (Lenny) on IceRocks + Transcend SDHC Class6 8GB + 2GB RAM
My Zaurus SL-C3200 = Debian EABI (kernel on a swapped internal Sandisk Extreme III CF 16gb
My Debian EABI feed:
My OpenBSD/Zaurus feeds:  Link1, Link2


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New Zaurus Successor?
« Reply #47 on: November 15, 2006, 05:22:17 am »
Talking about the 770, what happened to the 2nd iteration of the 770 that was rumoured/suposed to be coming soon ?
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turned out to be a misinformed rumour about the 330 GPS unit.
Gemini 4G/Wi-Fi owner, formerly zaurus C3100 and 860 owner; also owner of an HTC Doubleshot, a Zaurus-like phone.


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« Reply #48 on: November 15, 2006, 02:01:14 pm »
I do like the Nokia 770. In fact I have one on order to use as part of a demo I'm working on. However, I don't see where the 770 does much that my C760 doesn't. Anything that's going to replace my Z (at least prior to the day when it eventually breaks) needs to offer something more such as a bigger screen, better software compatibility (i.e. x86 based), huge hard drive, etc. The 770's built-in WiFi is nice, but not enought to compell a switch.

I don't need pocketable ... I don't pocket my Z as it is (my smartphone covers all my PIM and "walking around" computing needs). I've tried the conventional laptop approach but even a 13" MacBook is a bit bigger/heavier/hotter than what I really want -- and it's definitely way overpowered for the apps I need. It just seems wrong to crank up a multi-GHz Core2 Duo just to take notes in a meeting.

I like the UMPCs but the prices just seem outrageous. And they too pack much more horsepower than what I really need. I guess I'm really just after a slightly larger form-factor (bigger KB and display) Zaurus with built in wireless.
« Last Edit: November 15, 2006, 03:14:21 pm by kopsis »


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New Zaurus Successor?
« Reply #49 on: November 15, 2006, 03:41:44 pm »
Talking about this perfect synergy of size, form-factor and power and pocketability,
I always thought the Sharp Zaurus SL-6000 size, with 4" outdoors viewable screen in the C1000 form factor of a tablet with the larger sized keyboard would have been perfect. Add internal Wifi to that (which the 6000 already had) would have been a great device.

They only needed to iterate the SL6000 once more in the tablet form factor - wishful thinking though.  
New no more-C1000 / 5000D (sold my 6000 and 750) | Cacko ROM 1.23 on C1000 | 256 MB CF | 2GB PNY SD card | Socket Networker WiFi CF Card | USB Host cable from StreamlineCPUS | Mini Microphone (for voice recording) |


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New Zaurus Successor?
« Reply #50 on: November 15, 2006, 03:58:30 pm »
Talking about the 770, what happened to the 2nd iteration of the 770 that was rumoured/suposed to be coming soon ?
[div align=\"right\"][a href=\"index.php?act=findpost&pid=146301\"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a][/div]
turned out to be a misinformed rumour about the 330 GPS unit.
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The first one did, indeed. But since then there have been quite a few facts popping up here and there (a page on the FCC Website, hints on the developers' mailing list, a recent OS update with stuff in the kernel for hardware that isn't in the 770, etc.) that point to a major hardware upgrade just around the bend. I just hope it's in time for Christmas :-)


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« Reply #51 on: November 15, 2006, 04:02:47 pm »
. . . needs to offer something more such as a bigger screen, better software compatibility (i.e. x86 based), huge hard drive, etc.

How about a pepperpad then? USB 2.0, 20 GB drive, X86 compatible (geode processor with Fedora Core 4), wifi, bluetooth, 7in 800x480 screen, USD700 on amazon, and *not* pocketable.
C-3100 (reaquainting myself with Cacko) / Nokia 810 / Nokia N800 / Asus eeePC
Previously owned: SL-5500 / SL-5600 / SL-6000L / C-860 / Nokia 770 / Pepperpad 3


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« Reply #52 on: November 16, 2006, 08:42:30 am »
How about a pepperpad then?

I like the PP3 hardware, though I do wish they included more RAM and a bigger HD. I know those components are theoretically upgradable, but then one has to factor in the upgrade costs.

On a side note, I really wish companies would quit integrating !@#$% webcams into devices. It's bad enough that when I get a new phone I have to void the warranty the first day by ripping the stupid camera out. I hate having to do the same on a considerably more expensive gadget. I'm sure I can't be the only person working for a company that doesn't permit cameras in the office.

I appreciate all the suggestions, but the bottom line is that the Kohjinsha is pretty close to the perfect device for my (admitedly peculiar) needs. I think I'll give it a shot and see how it works out. If I don't like it, there's always Ebay  If Conics can get me hooked up in early Dec, I should have time to write a pretty detailed review over the holidays. Stay tuned.


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« Reply #53 on: November 16, 2006, 08:55:04 am »
I like the kohjinsha for x86 compatibility and no-fans, and huge RAM and price, but the screen it's a little too big.

I'm also considering and so waiting for the next oqo, and/or nokia 770 which seem to appear soon. I'd be willing to wait for a new Zaurus, but that's not even vaporware.

Kopsis, make sure to take some photos of the K next to the Z!!
sl-c750, archos av580, socket cf [bt, wifi, modem], noname cf lan, audiovox rtm800 gsm-gprs cf, rom: sharp -> oz3.5.3 -> cacko -> oz3.5.4.1


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« Reply #54 on: November 30, 2006, 04:14:52 pm »
I've got a Kohjinsha on order from Conics for a friend of mine, and we've done quite a bit of research on it. Interesting fact - the Raon Vega, Kohjinsha, and Pepperpad 3 all run the same basic hardware platform (Geode LX800 processor + chipset, 800x480 screens.) The chipset handles video and most IO.

This gives us a lot more info to go on.

1) Linux Compatibility - Excellent. The pepperpad 3 is linux.

2) Performance - I think it was around a PII-300 for integer performance.

3) Video - 2D only, and they mean it. No DirectX/3D support, period. They apparently couldn't get iTunes to run on the Vega because of it.

4) Movies - Excellent. Apparently the Pepperpad is used for video quite extensively. I also found a review of the Vega that said Divx up to 2 megabit worked flawlessly. Supposedly there is video acceleration  function in the supporting chipset. The painfully machine-translated review (which gave me "bad HK-subtitle" flashbacks) said there was a problem playing DVDs (I think). I suspect that's got more to do with the drive & interface. I bet that loading a DVD image directly on the the HD and playing the files from there would work perfectly.

5) Battery life - Supposedly excellent (5hrs?) LED backlight + super low power CPU should hopefully translate into decent power savings.

The guy who's going to be using it has a 860 and a 3000, but he seems a bit jealous of my Libretto  He's going to be using it for eBooks, web surfing, game emulation, and watching movies.

(Also, he's got a nasty sense of humour. Someone he knows bought laptops for his daughters - two girls ~5 foot and 100lbs if you're lucky. The father is a hefty guy over 6ft tall. He bought them a pair of 12lb desktop replacement laptops without thinking much of it. These girls list to one side if they try and take the things anywhere  Anyway, my friend thinks that showing off the Kohjinsha to bug these girls is an "added benefit"  Yes, he's single and likely to remain that way...)
Fujitsu U8240 "Stormtrooper" -  Zaurus Supplement
Libretto U100 | Sony Librie, Sony Reader
SL-C3100: Sharp 1.11JP (Kanji Dictionary/Translator) - LCD Top swap with C1000.
SL-C3000: pdaXii13 5.4.7, SL-C3000 5.4.9 - microdrive replaced with 8gb Sandisk
SL-C1000: PDAXRom Beta3 | SL-6000L: Sharp 1.12 | SL-5500: Cacko, 64-0 kernel | SL-5000D: OZ-Opie
Linksys WCF12; Sharp CE-AG06, CE-RH2, CE-170TS; iRiver USB OTG Host cable; Socket BT rev.E CF; Hitachi 6gb Microdrive


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« Reply #55 on: November 30, 2006, 06:35:26 pm »
I stumbled across another Japanese review of the SA1F00A ... and this one includes disassembly photos!    Links are on my blog entry at

I have an SA1F00B (80GB HDD) on order from Conics (just waiting for the eCheck to clear), so in a few weeks there will be at least one English review on the web


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« Reply #56 on: December 01, 2006, 10:49:11 am »
Talking about the 770, what happened to the 2nd iteration of the 770 that was rumoured/suposed to be coming soon ?
[div align=\"right\"][a href=\"index.php?act=findpost&pid=146301\"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a][/div]

turned out to be a misinformed rumour about the 330 GPS unit.
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Offtopic - but just to update everyone the successor is out - the Nokia 870. But sadly no keyboard as expected.

(see Noia 870 post in the Nokia forum section)
New no more-C1000 / 5000D (sold my 6000 and 750) | Cacko ROM 1.23 on C1000 | 256 MB CF | 2GB PNY SD card | Socket Networker WiFi CF Card | USB Host cable from StreamlineCPUS | Mini Microphone (for voice recording) |


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« Reply #57 on: December 05, 2006, 11:19:45 am »

Conics has a mini review of the device:
Note that the CF slot is  Type-1 only so no microdrive.

SL-C1000 from PriceJapan(cheap and very fast shipping) with EA-70 power adapter, iRiver USB Host cable, PDAIR case, pentopia stylus, ultra clear screen-protector from only $3 for shipping worldwide
4GB Hitachi Microdrive, 1GB Kingston Elite Pro CF, 4GB Transcend 150x SD, Symbol Spectrum 4137 CF WiFi(low power)
PdaXrom pdaxii13 5.4.9 updated with Kkazakov13's feed. I owned a SL-6000L before


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« Reply #58 on: December 05, 2006, 12:19:23 pm »
My SA1F00B from Conics arrived yesterday (thanks Brett!). Some of my first thoughts:

* Most people can't believe how small it is (though after using the C760 for years, it seems quite roomy to me)
* 800x480 is much more usable than I expected
* Display size and quality is quite good
* Keyboard is going to take some getting used to (and possibly a bit of remapping)
* The CPU seems plenty fast for surfing and office apps

And yes, CF is Type 1 only ... though a Type 2 would fit if it weren't for a couple ribs molded into the case that look like they're there specifically to block a Type 2 card. I suspect that Kohjinsha may have originally designed it for Type 2 and then found problems in testing. Perhaps heat related issues? Microdrives get pretty toasty and the CF slot is right next to the CPU's heat sink.

I'll blog some more detailed initial thoughts this weekend and a long-term review in a few weeks. If anyone has specific questions, feel free to PM me and I'll try to make sure I get them answered.


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« Reply #59 on: December 05, 2006, 02:09:59 pm »
My SA1F00B from Conics arrived yesterday (thanks Brett!). Some of my first thoughts:

* Most people can't believe how small it is (though after using the C760 for years, it seems quite roomy to me)
* 800x480 is much more usable than I expected
* Display size and quality is quite good
* Keyboard is going to take some getting used to (and possibly a bit of remapping)
* The CPU seems plenty fast for surfing and office apps

And yes, CF is Type 1 only ... though a Type 2 would fit if it weren't for a couple ribs molded into the case that look like they're there specifically to block a Type 2 card. I suspect that Kohjinsha may have originally designed it for Type 2 and then found problems in testing. Perhaps heat related issues? Microdrives get pretty toasty and the CF slot is right next to the CPU's heat sink.

I'll blog some more detailed initial thoughts this weekend and a long-term review in a few weeks. If anyone has specific questions, feel free to PM me and I'll try to make sure I get them answered.
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Nuts. I don't think mine's been shipped, nevermind received.  

Have you tried any video on it? Will it boot from a USB DVD/CD-rom drive?

Fujitsu U8240 "Stormtrooper" -  Zaurus Supplement
Libretto U100 | Sony Librie, Sony Reader
SL-C3100: Sharp 1.11JP (Kanji Dictionary/Translator) - LCD Top swap with C1000.
SL-C3000: pdaXii13 5.4.7, SL-C3000 5.4.9 - microdrive replaced with 8gb Sandisk
SL-C1000: PDAXRom Beta3 | SL-6000L: Sharp 1.12 | SL-5500: Cacko, 64-0 kernel | SL-5000D: OZ-Opie
Linksys WCF12; Sharp CE-AG06, CE-RH2, CE-170TS; iRiver USB OTG Host cable; Socket BT rev.E CF; Hitachi 6gb Microdrive