Hey, thanks for the lengthy explanation. It was not needed, but I certainly appreciate it! I\'ve noticed that in addition to the fact that I just really need to ramp up on unix skills, there\'s no way to know how many aps/fixes/etc work on the zaurus or to find a history without being a part of the development (or at least testing effort) yourself. This is partially due to the nature of such work (who likes to document), the stretched resources factor (so few here that are good developers), and the fact that we lost the devnet site, where I would desperately wanted to get the history on the tkcROM versions and many, many other things that I saw posted there long ago. *sigh*
On the bright side, it’s good to know that Proto’s alive
As a note, I did find it interesting that my previous run of the prep-home-on-sd script worked even though I was in the wrong directory! That struck me as a *little* odd! However, there were multiple times that I cd’d to the directory in which the script was located, but old script ran…
I reran the script, and after typing the full path, the prompts made me aware that I was running the correct script for the first time. I’m now installing some stuff, rebooting, using bluetooth, etc. with no probs! Thanks for the help again, Derek!