Author Topic: SL 5500 TCK ROM 2.0 Aplha 3 with Home on SD script  (Read 25672 times)


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SL 5500 TCK ROM 2.0 Aplha 3 with Home on SD script
« Reply #45 on: April 02, 2004, 06:14:01 pm »
Hey, thanks for the lengthy explanation.  It was not needed, but I certainly appreciate it!  I\'ve noticed that in addition to the fact that I just really need to ramp up on unix skills, there\'s no way to know how many aps/fixes/etc work on the zaurus or to find a history without being a part of the development (or at least testing effort) yourself.  This is partially due to the nature of such work (who likes to document), the stretched resources factor (so few here that are good developers), and the fact that we lost the devnet site, where I would desperately wanted to get the history on the tkcROM versions and many, many other things that I saw posted there long ago. *sigh*  

On the bright side, it’s good to know that Proto’s alive  

As a note, I did find it interesting that my previous run of the prep-home-on-sd script worked even though I was in the wrong directory!  That struck me as a *little* odd!  However, there were multiple times that I cd’d to the directory in which the script was located, but old script ran…

I reran the script, and after typing the full path, the prompts made me aware that I was running the correct script for the first time.  I’m now installing some stuff, rebooting, using bluetooth, etc. with no probs!  Thanks for the help again, Derek!


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SL 5500 TCK ROM 2.0 Aplha 3 with Home on SD script
« Reply #46 on: April 02, 2004, 07:16:14 pm »
One thing on Unix, is that when you type in a command, it will search your path first, but won\'t look in the current directory at all (unless the current directory is in the path).  So, if you want to run a script that is in the current directory, either specify the full path name, or put a \"./\" in front of the file name \"(the dot means current directory).
Glad you got it working.


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SL 5500 TCK ROM 2.0 Aplha 3 with Home on SD script
« Reply #47 on: April 29, 2004, 07:51:50 pm »

I have a SL5500 as the topic.
I run the script with 20mo of swap.
How can I change this size to set to the full size of ramdisk ?
In my system Info, I can see 28508 kb for Total memory and 20967kb forTotal swap.
Where is my 64mo of ramdisk ?



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SL 5500 TCK ROM 2.0 Aplha 3 with Home on SD script
« Reply #48 on: April 29, 2004, 08:25:42 pm »

I have a SL5500 as the topic.
I run the script with 20mo of swap.
How can I change this size to set to the full size of ramdisk ?
In my system Info, I can see 28508 kb for Total memory and 20967kb forTotal swap.  
Where is my 64mo of ramdisk ?


The way the kernel is configured the system gets 16mb for mem 16mb for  the root filesystem and 32mb for the /home filesystem.  So bascliy the zaurus looks like this

16mb mem
16mb /     #Mounted as cramfs
32 mb /home   #Mounted as ext2(I think)

In order to use the full 32mb you would have to remake the swap file.  Whan booted up into tkc rom open you console and exec the floweing:

cd /mnt/ramdisk
swapoff swapfile
rm swapfile
dd if=/dev/zero of=swapfile bs=1024k count=32768
mkswap swapfile
swapon swapfile

 You should now have a 32mb swap file.  Note that you may have to change around the count=32768 as that is the true count for 32mb, it may help to exec \"df /mnt/ramdisk\" to get the true size of the internel mem.  Hope this helps.


P.S. You should be able to delate any thing on your internel ramdisk with the expecon of the var dir.  Because if you deleate it the Z will hang on suspend.


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SL 5500 TCK ROM 2.0 Aplha 3 with Home on SD script
« Reply #49 on: August 15, 2004, 11:22:22 am »
I have been running with the /home on SD with alpha3 for several months, but have just found a little snag on my setup.

Case 1: boot with neither SD or CF card - works fine and uses standard ROM.

Case 2: boot with both SD and CF cards in  - works fine and uses /home on SD.

Case 3: boot with SD in but no CF fails.  It gets as far as the Kompany splash screen, stays for a while, drops to a Wait 5,4,3,2,1 prompt and then goes back to the Kompany splash screen and then repeats ad nauseam.

I am trying to debug what may be happening.  I have looked at rc.card. rc.sysinit - no clues.  I tried going to a Linux prompt by pressing / at the Wait prompt and entered:
Code: [Select]
survive -l 6 /sbin/launchas per /etc/inittab; but it just drops out the a Wait prompt after showing the splash screen for a while.

Any tips on how to debug would be appreciated.
UK SL5500 with tkcROM 2.0alpha3 - /home on SD, eXpansys (\"integral\" brand) 256MB SD card,
AmbiCom WL1100C-CF WiFi card, Blue Monkey LSE039 Bluetooth CF Card,
32MB SanDisk CF card to flash from.
Gentoo Linux 1.4 on my PCs.


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SL 5500 TCK ROM 2.0 Aplha 3 with Home on SD script
« Reply #50 on: July 08, 2005, 04:55:09 pm »
Could anyone point me to the async kernal for TKRom 2 alpha3, please? I have installed the one from the ROM, and have many problems.
If DerekP happens to read this, I have used your recommendation, i.e. -s 20 -t -c -f ; am I right in thinking I should just use this minus the -f with the new kernal? Also, could I just flash the kernal, and is there some way to remove the -f without re-flashing the whole ROM?
I hope that is all clear and makes sense - I have never used the terminal before, and am gleaning what I can from the forum - had a fair amount of success so far!
Many thanks to anyone that can help.


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SL 5500 TCK ROM 2.0 Aplha 3 with Home on SD script
« Reply #51 on: August 03, 2005, 11:32:30 pm »

I believe that you type -i to return to defaults.

Now whether that takes you back to a blank state, I do not know; but I had read that in derekp's initial explanation.
God Bless

These are the words of him who has the Sharp...
Revelation 2:12


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SL 5500 TCK ROM 2.0 Aplha 3 with Home on SD script
« Reply #52 on: August 11, 2005, 06:57:32 pm »

I believe that you type -i to return to defaults.

Now whether that takes you back to a blank state, I do not know; but I had read that in derekp's initial explanation.
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Thanks, Doug.

I'm afraid I've given up on tkrom 2 -  couldn't get it to be stable; shame, it was excellent in every other way. I ended up using the Hybrid ROM with Qtopia 1.6.2, and it's almost perfect.



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SL 5500 TCK ROM 2.0 Aplha 3 with Home on SD script
« Reply #53 on: August 12, 2005, 07:47:16 pm »
I'm afraid I've given up on tkrom 2 -  couldn't get it to be stable; shame, it was excellent in every other way. I ended up using the Hybrid ROM with Qtopia 1.6.2, and it's almost perfect.

Hi Chris.
Have you gotten the hancom apps to work with Hybrid ROM and Qtopia 1.6.2?  I've ended up the same as you and keep coming back to the hybrid, but I'm still using Qtopia 1.5.4 because of the spreadsheet, and word programs.



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SL 5500 TCK ROM 2.0 Aplha 3 with Home on SD script
« Reply #54 on: September 06, 2005, 01:03:00 pm »
Well, about the async kernel,I have the same trouble but with my modem, this is the issues:
1) My Targus Pocket Modem 56k v.90 works fine with others roms but with the async it had the same bug, I made the settings but no connections icon appears, only appears the icon if I made an IR dialup connection BUT in that case, DONT appears the modem connection and only appears the IR Dialup connection.
2) The IR dialup connection works fine, so, please maintain it working when fix the other connections issues.

But, all around the async kernel with home on sd are GREAT!...  so, thanks very much to all the good people that are making it working!

Best regards!
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Coming back to the TKompany ROM after a long time away playing with OZ. I have the 32/30 image with home on my SD and have updated the Kernel Cacko's.

Got most of what i want done but am struggling with syncing. Could someone please clarify which version of Intellisync to use. Is it the original (1.43) or the updated vrsion that shipped with the 3.13 ROM?

many thanks


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SL 5500 TCK ROM 2.0 Aplha 3 with Home on SD script
« Reply #55 on: September 06, 2005, 06:23:27 pm »
 Airwolf said:
"Got most of what i want done but am struggling with syncing. Could someone please clarify which version of Intellisync to use. Is it the original (1.43) or the updated vrsion that shipped with the 3.13 ROM?"

Hi Airwolf, you need the version of Intellisync that comes with the upgrade to 3.13 Sharp rom.

I've had very litle problem running this version of TKC  and I've found that Treeexplorer works very nicely with it as does kdepimpi. The combination of home on SD and those two apps makes my 5500 a much more useful object. However, I spend much more time on my 860 these days.

I did try the Cacko kernel and the Async, but seemed to find a few problems and irritations so went back to the alpha kernel.

3200 aka BigZ, swapped in 16GB Sandisk Extreme III CF, Cacko 1.23 full,  new SDHC >2GB module,
SL860 Cacko 1.23 full, new SDHC >2GB module,
6000L SharpRom 1.12 + Tetsu kernel,
5500 TKC home on SD x 2 (with SD>1GB),
Archos PMA30 with OPEN PMA (Giraffe),
Nokia 770 (Hackers Edition)
Nokia 800 (ITOS 2008), 4GB SDHC x 2
Asus eeepc 4G (black), with 1GB ram, dual boot Xandros on SSD with Ubuntu Lucid Lynx on 16 GB SDHC,
Tmobile G1 Android (black), with Cyanogen's  Firerat's MTD script and Amon Ra Recovery 1.7.0
Tmobile HTC Wildfire.. rooted and on Cyanogen's 7.3 nightly Rom
Kopi/Kapi on everything bar the phone and the Nokias, there is a beta for the nokias...

All the above are retired

Samsung Note 8 N5110
Samsung Note N7105
FBreader on the lot!


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SL 5500 TCK ROM 2.0 Aplha 3 with Home on SD script
« Reply #56 on: September 07, 2005, 03:36:38 am »
Can I ask where you got the tkRom files from??

I have been trying to install this for about a week.

I got the files from

The site has instructions for installing and the files for the Alpha3 rom.  But when I try loading these to my CF card and flashing as per the instructions the mail and power lights flash instead of staying on and the only way to stop the process is to perform a hard reset.  So I'm not sure if it's the files or me  

Any help or guidance would be really welcome.


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SL 5500 TCK ROM 2.0 Aplha 3 with Home on SD script
« Reply #57 on: September 07, 2005, 04:30:49 am »
Can I ask where you got the tkRom files from??

I have been trying to install this for about a week.

I got the files from

The site has instructions for installing and the files for the Alpha3 rom.  But when I try loading these to my CF card and flashing as per the instructions the mail and power lights flash instead of staying on and the only way to stop the process is to perform a hard reset.  So I'm not sure if it's the files or me   

Any help or guidance would be really welcome.
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hi JacX

got mine form here

[a href=\"][/url]

You will need the alpha initrd and a zImage file.

Make sure you CF card is formatted as windows FAT (NOT FAT32). Press the C and D buttons at the same time as the reset button at the back near the battery. Also remember to press the reset button again after the flash has completed

if you are still having problems post again


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SL 5500 TCK ROM 2.0 Aplha 3 with Home on SD script
« Reply #58 on: September 07, 2005, 06:10:26 am »
Many thanks for that airwolf.

I'll have a go tonight and let you know.


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SL 5500 TCK ROM 2.0 Aplha 3 with Home on SD script
« Reply #59 on: September 07, 2005, 10:15:56 am »
Airwolf said:
"Got most of what i want done but am struggling with syncing. Could someone please clarify which version of Intellisync to use. Is it the original (1.43) or the updated vrsion that shipped with the 3.13 ROM?"

Hi Airwolf, you need the version of Intellisync that comes with the upgrade to 3.13 Sharp rom.

I've had very litle problem running this version of TKC  and I've found that Treeexplorer works very nicely with it as does kdepimpi. The combination of home on SD and those two apps makes my 5500 a much more useful object. However, I spend much more time on my 860 these days.

I did try the Cacko kernel and the Async, but seemed to find a few problems and irritations so went back to the alpha kernel.

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hey Tux

forgot to ask.... I downloaded this [a href=\"][/url]

but when i try to install any of the files i get an error message "The filename of this package includes character this application can't handle. Please change the filename and retry install"

any ideas
