I know I dont typically ask questions... usually ask for opinions or answer questions... but
Does bluetooth work in r198/197? what things do you see wrong? what tweaks do you have to make?
so... basicly (in a hidden manor) some one walk me though the steps of getting this working... so I can make the changes needed to get this working flawless for the community(and myself)...
Keep in mind I know NOTHING about bluetooth, BlueZ, hcitool, hciattach, etc... so be patient with me... I'm trying to iron out every proceedure to make it easy for everyone :-)
my service pack fixes a few things to make bluetooth work.
basically, bluetooth on the Z can be used via a cf bluetooth card or a usb bluetooth dongle. /etc/rc.d/init.d/bluetooth should start the bluetooth subsystem, ie bluez.
once your bluetooth device is inserted, you need to do a process called pairing to basically make two devices trust each other via a common pin.
then you can use many of the bluetooth features. for example, in order to use obex for file transfers, you need to either start an obex daemon for receiving files or use obex to push a file to a device. alternatively, you can also use bluetooth to establish a GPRS connection via a mobile phone or create a Personal Network using tcp/ip (PAN).
each of these functionalities is setup differently and can only be used one at a time.
depending which of these you want to enable or use, the commands will differ... well, bed time for me. ping me if you need specific details on either of those...