Here is how I placed a Ms word document on my Applications tab and caused it to open in Hancom Word with an icon.
1. I created a text file with the below text, named it "" and placed it into /home/QtPalmtop/bin, then made it executable. (I used Tree!Explorer to set it to executable).HancomMobileWord /hdd3/poker-run-pda.doc
Make sure the path to your file or document (as above example) is correct.
2. Then using the "Tab setting" app, I created a new icon in "Applications"
Click on one of the applications in the Tab setting utility, then click the blank sheet of paper icon. This creates a new icon for an application.
In this dialog, give your icon a name. Then select an icon for it. Then next to "Program", click the 3 dots ...
Browse for your newly created *.sh file. (In my case, it was named
Click "OK" and close the Tab settings utility by clicking "OK" to each prompt.
You should now have a new icon on your Applications tab.
If this doesn't work for you, go back and check all your steps.
I think the Tab settings "Select Program" WILL NOT find your "" file unless you have set it to executable.
I also think using the *.sh extension on your file may help in some way.
I used a Ms Word document because it is already associated to Hancom Word.