Hi guys,
reading jpmatrix' post from the pdaXii13 thread:
it seems gammu from released packages needs libbluetooth.so.2
before i break something would someone (meanie!?) tell me what package to install ?
solved with
cd /usr/lib
ln -s libbluetooh_existing libbluetoosh.so.2
well, now it seems to work with my 6630 with a config file like
device = bt_addr
connection = blueobex
but nothing out yet...
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I get the following idea:
KDEPIM/PI uses kammu to talk to phones.
kammu is limited, as it doesn't support Bluetooth at all.
Are kammu and gammu interchangeable, i.e. have a compatible command line interface etc.?
So maybe kammu could be replaced (i.e. linked to) gammu so KA/PI and KO/PI can sync via bluetooth?
Also, is there any deccent and convenient SMS GUI available for pdaXrom?
Xgnokii is just too inconvenient due to the small graphical interface.
And all attempts to make gnocky work failed some time ago (although gnocky looked just what i needed for SMS).