I have no access to the wiki :-(, I'm sorry
[div align=\"right\"][a href=\"index.php?act=findpost&pid=167453\"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a][/div]
Thanks for the interest ISO, I knew that you weren't a Wiki admin.
I another hour or so reverting spam today and exploring the features of the wiki. There are 5 sysops/bureaucrats listed:
DZ, Ev1l, Offroadgeek, Tapjpa and Tumnus.
I'm going to research this wiki business and see if I can come up with some suggestions. From a quick scan, DZ suggested upgrading to the current version of MediaWiki and some extra helpful software. Don't know how far he got with that.
I'm going to see when the 5 people above last posted to these forums also...
When looking at the user lists there seemed to be an enormous number of spurious ones, obvious spambots. Would the best thing be 'bans' until 2020, or simply deleting them? It would probably take my spare time for a week to do the banning.
On a similar tack I've found a large number of 'spurious' pages. Would it not be possible to delete those pages?
But then I'm not an admin! So I can't do anything about those two suggestions. Yes I suppose I'm volunteering for that tedious position. Yes I'll even read RTFM and be cautious in what I do.
Any chance of that being helpful?
Oh well, I'll go and lose some more sleep by checking the latest spam!
PS Just spent a few minutes reverting myself!!!