I've been trying to dual-boot debian and cacko; problem is that cacko kernel panics during kexec "boot" when debian starts up. Not had time to really investigate it yet.
I'd still like to see a Nokia 810 and Fujitsu U810 in the flesh to try it out. I'm going to Phoenix end of May but I am not sure whether the usual suspects (Best Buy, Frys, Circuit City or Ultimate would stock it), maybe better for me if I don't get a chance to get tempted.
I still find the Z's flexibility unmatched... the other day I needed to test some cat5 patch ports at work and it was so much easier to walk round with my Z and the CF->ethernet adaptor rather than drag a laptop around! The N800's crippled USB host is a missed opportunity (too little power, wrong type of connector)
Now I've lived with the N800 for a while, I have to say that a combined Zaurus and 800 (take the clamshell form factor & keyboard & USB host from the former, the screen + wireless + bluetooth from the latter) would be my ideal. The 810's keyboard is still not as good IMHO. Who knows, maybe the Pandora will be a winner?
I think if I won the lottery (unlikely as I never enter!), I'd commission a company to repackage the Nokia 810 into a zaurus form factor - I've tried myself to find a suitable usb keyboard for a halfway house and the closest I got was a "nano keyboard" which is 30% too big.
enough ramblings!