« Reply #19 on: April 21, 2009, 11:40:54 pm »
Just out of curiosity, which Cacko kernal did you wind up using? I could not get eviljazz's kernel to work with this, no matter what I tried.
Glad you got it working though.
I did a restore form trisoft's image, flashed cacko..had issues for a bit. what I ended up doing was flashing cacko, doing the no hd patch (which I suspect of having side effects) installing eviljazz's fastfpe cahchedfb kernel AND the modules, catting the cmdline over to the /boot/kernel_cmd and adding the same eviljazz zImage to the /boot dir. It seems to work, but I am having wifi issues..sadly now I am having them on both cacko and zubuntu because I installed connman and can no longer get dhc to work, but that is a story for another thread, and I can use the cacko boot to install a new zubuntu image if necessary

**3100 Zubuntu Jaunty,(working on Cacko dualboot), 16G A-Data internal CF, 4G SD, Ambicom WL-1100C Cf, linksys usb ethernet, BelkinF8T020 BT card, Belkin F8U1500-E Ir kbd, mini targus usb mouse, rechargeble AC/DC powered USB hub, psp cables and battery extenders.
**6000l Tetsuized Sharprom, installed on internal flash only 1G sd, 2G cf