>>BerndS: i don't have acces to a 760,
>>but from command line, does the ts_calibrate program work?
No, it fails with
ts_open: No such file or directory
>>if not:
>>1) do a grep -i handlers /proc/bus/input/devices
H: Handlers=kbd event0 apm-power
H: Handlers=event1
>>and check the second line starting with a "H: Handlers="
export TSLIB_TSDEVICE=/dev/input/event2
>>2) then grep TS ~/.profile
>>this line should have the same event* as the previous command
>>if it's not the same, nano ~/.profile and change the TSLIB_TSDEVICE line and specify the proper device
changed to
export TSLIB_TSDEVICE=/dev/input/event1
>>3) then logout, login, and run ts_calibrate again
Restarted X and now the Stylus works in X!
But the keyboard still does not work while X is running (excpet CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE) ...
>>4) if it doesn't work, try editing /etc/ts.conf and uncomment (remove the #) at the line module_raw corgi and run ts_calibrate again
Tested this also:
xres = 640, yres = 400
ts_read: Invalid argument
One other (very) minor issue:
After the installation the GUI started in Portrait mode. Therefor I removed the line
xrandr -o right
from the .xinitrc file . Now the GUI starts correctly in Landscape mode (hopefully I did not mix the Portrait/Landscape here ..)
The boot messages are also correct but the initial graphical Ubunutu logo is still in the wrong mode -- can this be corrected?
BerndS: i don't have acces to a 760,
1) do a grep -i handlers /proc/bus/input/devices
and check the second line starting with a "H: Handlers="
2) then grep TS ~/.profile
this line should have the same event* as the previous command
if it's not the same, nano ~/.profile and change the TSLIB_TSDEVICE line and specify the proper device
3) then logout, login, and run ts_calibrate again
4) if it doesn't work, try editing /etc/ts.conf and uncomment (remove the #) at the line module_raw corgi and run ts_calibrate again
bobey: you need to extract two files, with a z 3000
1) the kernel an modules: http://www.zaurus.org.uk/cortez/ubuntu/dow...addition.tar.gz
2) and the desired rootfs