Author Topic: Zubuntu 2.0 Released  (Read 42537 times)


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Zubuntu 2.0 Released
« Reply #30 on: November 03, 2009, 11:51:25 am »
Will anyone has battery problems with Zubuntu?¿?
My zaurus with zubuntu (RC1 and RC2) literally eats the battery ...
even suspended!
Please help!
is my only problem with Zubuntu!!!


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Zubuntu 2.0 Released
« Reply #31 on: November 04, 2009, 01:09:27 am »
Quote from: brontoZaurus
Will anyone has battery problems with Zubuntu?¿?
My zaurus with zubuntu (RC1 and RC2) literally eats the battery ...
even suspended!
Please help!
is my only problem with Zubuntu!!!
I think I mentioned it before, but the Zaurus kernels have a problem charging the battery when suspended. This means you need to recharge either by keeping the device on or shutting it off completely using shutdown -h now. I know this isn't pretty, but although the problem may seem small, it's not easy to fix!
[div align=\"center\"]== == == == == == == == == == == == == ==
Zaurus SL-C750 - Died in a dreadful coffee experiment, has a second life somewhere in the Czech Republic
Zaurus SL-C1000 - Multiboot Zubuntu, Debian, Fedora, Poky, Android and others
Zaurus SL-C3100 - Development device, currently Zubuntu 2.0
Zaurus SL-6000L - The fridge is running Zubuntu 1.0
Zaurus SL-C860 - Cacko, untouched since kindly donated, waiting for Zubuntu
== == == == == == == == == == == == == ==[/div]


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Zubuntu 2.0 Released
« Reply #32 on: November 04, 2009, 03:20:04 am »
Quote from: cortez
Quote from: brontoZaurus
Will anyone has battery problems with Zubuntu?¿?
My zaurus with zubuntu (RC1 and RC2) literally eats the battery ...
even suspended!
Please help!
is my only problem with Zubuntu!!!
I think I mentioned it before, but the Zaurus kernels have a problem charging the battery when suspended. This means you need to recharge either by keeping the device on or shutting it off completely using shutdown -h now. I know this isn't pretty, but although the problem may seem small, it's not easy to fix!

ok, but the problem is it eats the battery when it´s suspended, i have no problem about charging it halted or powered on.
sorry about my english


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Zubuntu 2.0 Released
« Reply #33 on: December 05, 2009, 04:17:53 am »
Once Zubuntu 2.0 is installed, is it possible to use apt-get to downgrade it to Jaunty ?  I'm trying to find a relatively simple way to eliminate the v6 and v7 arch binaries so I don't get the "illegal instruction" errors on my C3000.  I understand that Jaunty does not seem to have the v6 and above binaries.


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Zubuntu 2.0 Released
« Reply #34 on: December 08, 2009, 09:42:30 am »
Hi, pulled out my Z after a long time to try Zubuntu 2.0, and I like it!
Anything new on the illegal instruction problem?

apt-get upgrade fails when trying to update bash due to an illegal instruction.


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Zubuntu 2.0 Released
« Reply #35 on: December 08, 2009, 07:09:36 pm »
The "illegal instruction" error is apparently due to many arm packages being built for arm6 and later architectures, which are not completely compatible with arm5 as implemented in the Zaurus models.
DO NOT USE "apt-get" to install anything if you are running Zubuntu 2.0 unmodified.  This can and often will install packages with incompatible binaries which will disable your existing distribution and require a reinstall to fix.

Instead, download the individual packages and check the binaries by using readelf to check for any binaries (ex executables or libraries) which any architecture later than "v5".  Install these packages using "dpkg" instead of "apt-get".

There have been some reports of users downgrading to "Jaunty (9.04)" which is said to not use any of the incompatible binaries.  Downgrading is apparently not supported by "apt-get", and is not a trivial procedure.

Quote from: matthis
Hi, pulled out my Z after a long time to try Zubuntu 2.0, and I like it!
Anything new on the illegal instruction problem?

apt-get upgrade fails when trying to update bash due to an illegal instruction.


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Zubuntu 2.0 Released
« Reply #36 on: December 10, 2009, 09:04:19 am »
Thanks for the explanation!
... guess I'm in for a reinstall


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Zubuntu 2.0 Released
« Reply #37 on: December 22, 2009, 04:35:11 am »
Quote from: cortez
Zubuntu v2.0 is available and can be downloaded here. The image is intended for spitz devices (SL-C3000, SL-C3100 and SL-C3200) but after a quick check most seems to work on the Akita (SL-C1000) as well.

Things I need to check on the Akita are suspend/resume (white screen, doesn't suspend) and the irda driver bails out with an error.
More info can be found on my blog. Please be so kind to give your feedback, report problems, share fixes, enhancements etc.

Have fun!


Nice job cortez!

I have Zubuntu 1.0 with 9.04 rootfs on my SL-7500C (C7x0) and Zubuntu 2.0 on my C1000. The 2.0 does look nicer but is much slower than 1.0. (The SD cards that I use are of similar quality). Is this because 2.0 uses lxde while 1.0 uses IceWM?

Still trying to figure out how to get my Wifi card to work...
Zaurus SL-C1000 (Debian)
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Zubuntu 2.0 Released
« Reply #38 on: January 06, 2010, 04:26:32 pm »
Hi, I just installed zubuntu 2.0 on my spitz: I put it on an SD card because I want to dual boot with the Sharp ROM. I seem to have a number of problems though.

1. I put a Sharp zImage.bin in a spare ext2 partition on the SD, along with a cmdline and nfo file but the kexec booter does not see it at all; it doesn't appear as an option in the boot menu. How can I get kexec to see it ?

2. When starting up from a shutdown it appears that kexec spends a long time looking at the second NAND partition before deciding it is not bootable. Is there any way I can get it to skip this bit ?

3. I don't seem to be the only one to get caught out by kexec resetting the device date to 1970. I don't understand why it needs to do this. The trick is to make sure the AC adaptor is disconnected because boot using battery power only causes fsck to be skipped. @cortez, you might like to add a note about that.

4. There are no battery monitor aps etc for LXDE status bar although some empty directories in the fs - work in progress or something missing ?

5. Stylus calibration seems to be very poor, especially at the edges of the screen. I tried recalibrating many times but I couldn't improve the accuracy.

6. Very, very slow. I added a 100 MB swap partition on the SD and it's faster but a bit too slow still.

7. Fennec = unusably slow.

8. Font settings need to be made larger and menu key set up definitely needed for X (especially if you forget to calibrate the stylus like me).

9. >800 MB for base install seems high... I would rather delete Fennec, add scim, anthy, zbedic, mplayer, some inkscape-like drawing program, etc. and aim for 500 MB if at all possible.

10. It seemed sensible to create a local user but every time I login I get asked to change my password.

OK, that's all for now
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Zubuntu 2.0 Released
« Reply #39 on: January 09, 2010, 03:55:32 am »
Quote from: koan
Hi, I just installed zubuntu 2.0 on my spitz: I put it on an SD card because I want to dual boot with the Sharp ROM. I seem to have a number of problems though.

1. I put a Sharp zImage.bin in a spare ext2 partition on the SD, along with a cmdline and nfo file but the kexec booter does not see it at all; it doesn't appear as an option in the boot menu. How can I get kexec to see it ?

2. When starting up from a shutdown it appears that kexec spends a long time looking at the second NAND partition before deciding it is not bootable. Is there any way I can get it to skip this bit ?

3. I don't seem to be the only one to get caught out by kexec resetting the device date to 1970. I don't understand why it needs to do this. The trick is to make sure the AC adaptor is disconnected because boot using battery power only causes fsck to be skipped. @cortez, you might like to add a note about that.

4. There are no battery monitor aps etc for LXDE status bar although some empty directories in the fs - work in progress or something missing ?

5. Stylus calibration seems to be very poor, especially at the edges of the screen. I tried recalibrating many times but I couldn't improve the accuracy.

6. Very, very slow. I added a 100 MB swap partition on the SD and it's faster but a bit too slow still.

7. Fennec = unusably slow.

8. Font settings need to be made larger and menu key set up definitely needed for X (especially if you forget to calibrate the stylus like me).

9. >800 MB for base install seems high... I would rather delete Fennec, add scim, anthy, zbedic, mplayer, some inkscape-like drawing program, etc. and aim for 500 MB if at all possible.

10. It seemed sensible to create a local user but every time I login I get asked to change my password.

OK, that's all for now
That was a problem I had with the Debian set up. It turns out that if you alter the security settings, where exactly I don't remember, the problem disappears. Default setting asks for a password change after a period of time calculated from the date/time settings. You can turn this off. The reason it causes a problem is something to do with the Zaurus and system time. Hope that helps.
3200 aka BigZ, swapped in 16GB Sandisk Extreme III CF, Cacko 1.23 full,  new SDHC >2GB module,
SL860 Cacko 1.23 full, new SDHC >2GB module,
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Tmobile HTC Wildfire.. rooted and on Cyanogen's 7.3 nightly Rom
Kopi/Kapi on everything bar the phone and the Nokias, there is a beta for the nokias...

All the above are retired

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Zubuntu 2.0 Released
« Reply #40 on: August 23, 2010, 11:15:20 pm »
I just got around to installing Zubuntu 2.0 on my C1000. Cortex, I know you are working on a 10.4 recompile but can you help me out? So far I have three main problems:

 * Networking - I have a socket card that uses the spectrum_cs driver, and I get the same error that Fatty had in a previous post in this thread. I also have a DLink DCF-660W which is a prism based card that uses the orinoco driver. It is recognized but I can't seem to get it to connect to my network. When I have more time I will try different encryption options on my router.
 * CF card - The CF card works the first time I insert the card, but if I eject the card (after unmounting it of course) /dev/hda1  does not appear after I insert it again. There is no change in dmesg from when it works to when it doesn't. I have to reboot the thing to get it to recognize the CF card again, and since network isn't working it takes several reboots to install anything of significance.
 * Suspend - Suspend just doesn't appear to work. The screen just goes white. dmesg is fairly chatty, mentions corgi a lot even though I hard coded akita in the detect script, and there is generally a lot of stuff that could be the issue like:
   max1111 spi2.2: ... can't suspend
   gpio_unexport: gpio37 status -22

PS I tried getting android to work first and the updater was never able to recognize the SD card.


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Zubuntu 2.0 Released
« Reply #41 on: September 04, 2014, 09:21:07 am »
I know it's been about 4 years since last post, but just in case there's anyone around, I'll post here....    

Just tried Zubuntu 2.0....installed OK on my 3200, but like others had the issue where it fails during boot on fsck. So, used the workaround of not having AC power cord connected and it boots up OK....

Also, like others, have the display calibration issue of being very hard to select the home menu icon in upper left corner of display, even after I did screen calibration before doing 'startx'.

Oherwise, install seemed to work OK.

I left the 3200 sitting on my desk for some time while it was turned on. When I came back, the display had gone black. Tapped on screen but it did not turn back on. Tried pressing various keys on keyboard and it did not wake up.

Anyone discover any fix for the calibration or waking up from sleep issues?

If not, then I'll probably go back to Zubuntu v1.0 and try upgrading install to Ubuntu 9.04 as per other threads....


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