Hey everyone
I thought I would ask before I break something...
I want to try out angstrom on my sl-c860. First question. right now I have cacko 1.23. If I use the built in backup, I can just use that to restore everything later? (I am guessing after reinstalling cacko, I use the restore)
Second question, how to I actually install it?
I found this guide:
http://www.angstrom-distribution.org/zaurus-c7x0-c8x0and this feed:
http://www.angstrom-distribution.org/relea...12/images/c7x0/it seems pretty straight forward, but I was worried about this:
Ensure that your C7×0 machine has a standard flash partitioning (e.g. as it was originally), flashing may fail if this is not the case
It has cacko now. will that work, or do I need to flash it with something else first?
to answer my own questions:
the backup will restore everything later, but you need to make sure the name of the backup file matches. (this seems to be a problem?)
What is means by standard flash, is setting the root partition size to 53MB. (this can be done with the partition tools on the cacko rom boot loader)
Also, something to note, the " Angstrom-opie-image-glibc-ipk-2007.12-r13-c7x0-installkit.tgz" is corrupt and will not work at all.
I hope that anyone else trying to do this might find this post useful.