FYI, today, I received my Netwalker (Black) from a fellow Zauruster...
So far, I'm quite pleased with the Netwalker and find it to be better than I had expected given the reviews...
Very nice piece of hardware, has the Sharp build quality that we Zauruster's like and if you compare it to a clamshell Zaurus then I think it compares quite favorably; built-in WiFi, fullsize standard USB port, bit larger than Zaurus so, easier to read display and larger keys (yes, they rock, but it's get used to it...), and yet it fits comfortably in the inside coat pocket of my, very light and portable....
WiFi worked great right away and so did my Apple USB ethernet adapter....
Also, think it's great to have an OS like Ubuntu instead of Qtopia and hopefully, there will be OS updates periodically....
All in all, think this is definitely a worthy successor to the Zaurus...
Think it would be great to see more interest in it around here....
Meanwhile, I'm trying to connect with anyone who has taken the plunge and bought a Netwalker so that we can share experiences and info..will make a separate post on the forum about this....have connected with someone in Germany and France so far and hope to find other Netwalkeristas.....
Thought of calling our group, NUTS, for Netwalker User Testing Society, as you probably need to be a bit nuts to get one, but what the heck....