Author Topic: Zaurus Wifi Access Point Options  (Read 8481 times)


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Zaurus Wifi Access Point Options
« on: May 24, 2011, 01:21:59 pm »
As the Zaurus wifi only supports WEP (and in my case B networking having on an older card), I was wondering what solutions other users implemented to maintain network connectivity in a WPA world?

A second access point would work, or maybe a guest account created with alternate firmware such as DD-WRT, or even keep it wired with a LAN card.

Just curious,
- Gemini PDA | WiFi - Android 7.1.1
- GPD Pocket | Ubuntu Mate 18.10
- Zaurus SL-C3100 | ArchLinuxARM


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Zaurus Wifi Access Point Options
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2011, 03:39:26 pm »
Quote from: TheWalt
As the Zaurus wifi only supports WEP (and in my case B networking having on an older card), I was wondering what solutions other users implemented to maintain network connectivity in a WPA world?

A second access point would work, or maybe a guest account created with alternate firmware such as DD-WRT, or even keep it wired with a LAN card.

Just curious,
 My dodgy memory says that there is a solution to this in these forums.... I don't recall which forum. Did I say dodgy memory?
3200 aka BigZ, swapped in 16GB Sandisk Extreme III CF, Cacko 1.23 full,  new SDHC >2GB module,
SL860 Cacko 1.23 full, new SDHC >2GB module,
6000L SharpRom 1.12 + Tetsu kernel,
5500 TKC home on SD x 2 (with SD>1GB),
Archos PMA30 with OPEN PMA (Giraffe),
Nokia 770 (Hackers Edition)
Nokia 800 (ITOS 2008), 4GB SDHC x 2
Asus eeepc 4G (black), with 1GB ram, dual boot Xandros on SSD with Ubuntu Lucid Lynx on 16 GB SDHC,
Tmobile G1 Android (black), with Cyanogen's  Firerat's MTD script and Amon Ra Recovery 1.7.0
Tmobile HTC Wildfire.. rooted and on Cyanogen's 7.3 nightly Rom
Kopi/Kapi on everything bar the phone and the Nokias, there is a beta for the nokias...

All the above are retired

Samsung Note 8 N5110
Samsung Note N7105
FBreader on the lot!


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Zaurus Wifi Access Point Options
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2011, 03:29:21 am »
As far as I know it depends more on the card you use. I have an Asus card that does support WPA. With wpa_supplicant, which is part of the cacko rom, and several others, it works. I even have eduroam working. That took quite a bit of fiddling though. But in the end it turned out to be quite simple.

So, it is not the Zaurus that is the bottleneck, but the wlan card and rom you are using. Check the specs of your card and search the forum for wpa_supplicant and you'll find the info.

BTW, I have an sl-c3100 like you do ;-)



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Zaurus Wifi Access Point Options
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2011, 11:35:41 am »
I used these instructions at tyrannozaurus to get WPA working for my Ambicom card under Cacko on my SL-C3100.
Since tyrannozaurus site is no longer available, I have copied the page and zipped it up for future reference.
Unzip the attachment while leaving the folder with contents intact.
Open the *.htm file in a browser and scroll about half way down for WPA under Cacko.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2011, 11:36:33 am by Jon_J »
C3100 Multiboot-->Angstrom 2007.12-r18 | Cacko 1.23 | ArchLinuxARM
C3200 pdaxii13v2-5.5-alpha4 Akita on NAND

Ambicom WL1100C-CF Wifi - Ambicom CF modem - Ambicom CF GPS - Belkin-F5D5050 USB LAN
Socket CF Bluetooth rev K - Iogear 4 port USB micro hub - pocket CF card reader
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Zaurus Wifi Access Point Options
« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2011, 04:22:19 am »
Is it Sony Clie Wireless Lan card "PEGA-WL100" WPA compatible or can i flashit and how?
Zauurs CL1000, 2Gb SD Transcend 150x
cacko ROM
Zaurus SL5500, 2Gb SD Transcend 150x, 512CF Lexmark+ 4Gb CF Sandisk Ultra II
kompany rom
WIFI clie PEGA-WL100
D-link DCF-650BT


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Zaurus Wifi Access Point Options
« Reply #5 on: June 01, 2011, 01:14:08 pm »
Quote from: MaBo
As far as I know it depends more on the card you use. I have an Asus card that does support WPA. With wpa_supplicant, which is part of the cacko rom, and several others, it works. I even have eduroam working. That took quite a bit of fiddling though. But in the end it turned out to be quite simple.

So, it is not the Zaurus that is the bottleneck, but the wlan card and rom you are using. Check the specs of your card and search the forum for wpa_supplicant and you'll find the info.

BTW, I have an sl-c3100 like you do ;-)

Yepp, I have D-Link Air DFC-660w, AmbiCom WL54-CF and Planex GW-CF11X, which all support wpa2. Planex needed firmware update.
SL-C3100 (x 2), Debian Squeeze Armel, D-Link DCF-660W, Planex GW-CF11x and AmbiCom WL54-CF cf-wlans ,
Buffalo LPC-CF-CLT cf-lan, Pretec cf-modem, Billionton CF GPS, a few CF- and SD-memory cards


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Zaurus Wifi Access Point Options
« Reply #6 on: June 03, 2011, 08:35:53 am »
Thanks all, I'll have to see if the Linksys WCF12 is supported and give it a try.
- Gemini PDA | WiFi - Android 7.1.1
- GPD Pocket | Ubuntu Mate 18.10
- Zaurus SL-C3100 | ArchLinuxARM