Author Topic: Wanted: Cf Wifi Card With Wpa2 Support  (Read 5097 times)


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Wanted: Cf Wifi Card With Wpa2 Support
« on: October 25, 2016, 04:48:52 pm »
Hi all,

I'm looking for the CF Wifi card with the firmware able to use wpa_supplicant and connect to WPA protected wifi hotspots.
Currently I have D-Link DCF-660W but with the older firmware which I was not able to upgrade.
Shipping to Sweden.
Will pay with Paypal.


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Wanted: Cf Wifi Card With Wpa2 Support
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2016, 12:27:26 pm »
Quote from: fourier
Hi all,

I'm looking for the CF Wifi card with the firmware able to use wpa_supplicant and connect to WPA protected wifi hotspots.
Currently I have D-Link DCF-660W but with the older firmware which I was not able to upgrade.
Shipping to Sweden.
Will pay with Paypal.
Today CF Wifi cards are very rare. Some years ago I bought a Canon K30225, the most recent CF Wifi card I could find, and the only one to support WPA out of the box, though I need to check if it supports WPA2 too:

I heard of some users using USB Wifi cards on their Z with success, though having a dongle on the USB port isn't the most practical thing to carry around. Actually, it would be nice to compile an updated list of compatible hardware which could be bought nowadays.

Planet Gemini PDA WiFi/LTE with Mediatek x27
SL-C1000 running Arch Linux ARM May2017, K30225 Wi-Fi CF Card, 64GB SDXC card
and many other Zauruses!


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Wanted: Cf Wifi Card With Wpa2 Support
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2016, 03:43:57 am »
Quote from: Varti
Quote from: fourier
Hi all,

I'm looking for the CF Wifi card with the firmware able to use wpa_supplicant and connect to WPA protected wifi hotspots.
Currently I have D-Link DCF-660W but with the older firmware which I was not able to upgrade.
Shipping to Sweden.
Will pay with Paypal.
Today CF Wifi cards are very rare. Some years ago I bought a Canon K30225, the most recent CF Wifi card I could find, and the only one to support WPA out of the box, though I need to check if it supports WPA2 too:

I heard of some users using USB Wifi cards on their Z with success, though having a dongle on the USB port isn't the most practical thing to carry around. Actually, it would be nice to compile an updated list of compatible hardware which could be bought nowadays.


I can confirm that with latest kernel and ArchLinux ARM I can run my DCF-660W on a WPA2 network (router is run by OpenWrt)
Gemini-PDA (Sailfish X and Android) / LG Nexus 5 (Android 11) / Nokia N9 (MeeGo/Harmattan)
Sharp Zaurus C3100 (Borzoi) - Void Linux (voidz) Kernel 5.0.0 - Hardware (Buffalo CF LAN, DLink 660 CF WiFi, ASIX AX88772 USB Ethernet)