Author Topic: Tyrannozaurus' Scummvm For Pdaxii13 5.49  (Read 8023 times)


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Tyrannozaurus' Scummvm For Pdaxii13 5.49
« on: March 22, 2017, 11:18:05 pm »
I noticed TyrannoZaurus is gone. I have located the most update page on the wayback machine and edited my sig to point to that.  All ipks are downloadable but the Broken Sword cutscenes links are dead.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2017, 11:18:44 pm by HoloVector »
I think I'm coming down with what kahm's got!  I now have 3 Zaurii in house!  ;)
Current: Zaurus SL-C3200 -  Bobby (Configuring pdaXii13 Akita with Full 5.4.9 upgrade running IceWM)
Zaurus SL-C1000 - Hachiko (Configuring Cacko 1.23 with evilJazz's new kernel)
Zaurus SL-C860 - Fett (Customized Cacko 1.23 with handmade Boba Fett Theme)
Symbol WiFi CF card|Buffalo WiFi CF Card|Buffalo Ethernet CF Card|Red Piel Frama Case|PDAir Case|Black Pelican 1020 Case|Pentopia Stylii|SaruTek Protectors|Transcend SDs (4GB 150X, 1GB 80X, 256MB 45X, 128MB 45X)|2GB PNY SD|2GB SanDisk SD|Transcend CFs (1GB 80X, 512MB 80X)|Sandisk CFs (4GB, 512MB, 256MB)|256MB Netac USB-CF|RH-1 Remote
Check out the ScummVM@tyrannozaurus page if you are an "adventurer" type of person.


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Tyrannozaurus' Scummvm For Pdaxii13 5.49
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2017, 12:05:33 pm »
It's a pity that TyrannoZaurus is not online anymore. What about hosting the the ScummVM page on a new hosting service (except for the missing converted videos, unless someone still have a copy of them)? I'd gladly host it here, but ibiblio sadly has a strict not-copyrighted material policy, and ScummVM is known for having had in the past many legal troubles with the original copyright holders of the games it supports. A nice article about this and in general about ScummVM's history can be found on ArsTechnica:

Also, it would be nice to see the latest ScummVM version running on the Z. Has anybody tried it under Alarmz, and if so, is there a binary package available for it or does it have to be compiled?

« Last Edit: March 23, 2017, 12:07:50 pm by Varti »
Planet Gemini PDA WiFi/LTE with Mediatek x27
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and many other Zauruses!


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Tyrannozaurus' Scummvm For Pdaxii13 5.49
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2017, 01:19:44 am »
Quote from: Varti
It's a pity that TyrannoZaurus is not online anymore. What about hosting the the ScummVM page on a new hosting service (except for the missing converted videos, unless someone still have a copy of them)? I'd gladly host it here, but ibiblio sadly has a strict not-copyrighted material policy, and ScummVM is known for having had in the past many legal troubles with the original copyright holders of the games it supports. A nice article about this and in general about ScummVM's history can be found on ArsTechnica:

Also, it would be nice to see the latest ScummVM version running on the Z. Has anybody tried it under Alarmz, and if so, is there a binary package available for it or does it have to be compiled?


SCUMMVM runs fine on a Z. Arch has the package ready

It does run with SDL backend, X11, or even FBDev (rotation may be an issue).

I used it some time ago and 320x240 games are very playable ( I played the Elvira series), but no MIDI emulation of course. (get the MP3 / OGG soundpacks instead).

High res games may not be that fluent on a Z but some work (640x480)
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Tyrannozaurus' Scummvm For Pdaxii13 5.49
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2017, 01:47:00 am »
Quote from: Varti
It's a pity that TyrannoZaurus is not online anymore. What about hosting the the ScummVM page on a new hosting service (except for the missing converted videos, unless someone still have a copy of them)? I'd gladly host it here, but ibiblio sadly has a strict not-copyrighted material policy, and ScummVM is known for having had in the past many legal troubles with the original copyright holders of the games it supports. A nice article about this and in general about ScummVM's history can be found on ArsTechnica:

Also, it would be nice to see the latest ScummVM version running on the Z. Has anybody tried it under Alarmz, and if so, is there a binary package available for it or does it have to be compiled?

Well, I think the safest place to "host" the page is the Internet Archive.  I didn't compile the binary or package the ipk.  Antikx and Meanie did that.  I was more the project manager/ lead tester.

I love that version as it handles even 640x480 games including both Broken Swords and The Curse of Monkey Island almost flawlessly (just the occasional cutscene slight stutter).  

Most of the other ports of ScummVM just can't handle that magnitude of awesomeness.  
I think I'm coming down with what kahm's got!  I now have 3 Zaurii in house!  ;)
Current: Zaurus SL-C3200 -  Bobby (Configuring pdaXii13 Akita with Full 5.4.9 upgrade running IceWM)
Zaurus SL-C1000 - Hachiko (Configuring Cacko 1.23 with evilJazz's new kernel)
Zaurus SL-C860 - Fett (Customized Cacko 1.23 with handmade Boba Fett Theme)
Symbol WiFi CF card|Buffalo WiFi CF Card|Buffalo Ethernet CF Card|Red Piel Frama Case|PDAir Case|Black Pelican 1020 Case|Pentopia Stylii|SaruTek Protectors|Transcend SDs (4GB 150X, 1GB 80X, 256MB 45X, 128MB 45X)|2GB PNY SD|2GB SanDisk SD|Transcend CFs (1GB 80X, 512MB 80X)|Sandisk CFs (4GB, 512MB, 256MB)|256MB Netac USB-CF|RH-1 Remote
Check out the ScummVM@tyrannozaurus page if you are an "adventurer" type of person.


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Tyrannozaurus' Scummvm For Pdaxii13 5.49
« Reply #4 on: March 29, 2017, 04:56:48 am »
Quote from: HoloVector
Well, I think the safest place to "host" the page is the Internet Archive.

"Hosting" on the Internet archive is not a good idea. I have plenty of bookmarks to stuff on there that is no longer available. I mean, they no longer archive it or they moved it over to longer term storage that is not accessible.

Anyone looking for it now may assume that as there is no active website for it, the whole thing is probably dead and unusable.
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