I have my new
geminiPDA for a few days now and have been doing a lot of fiddling to get gembian to be usable for me. I am really glad with the device, it would be so nice to have a proper linux device with me everywhere I go. As far as I see now I am quite sure I can configure gembian so that it will suit my daily needs for the near future. But the only thing that I am worried about is the power management. I did not really deep dive into it, but before I do I will ask you if this is useful or that power management is still a Gembianism.
What did I do so far:
- In installed dual boot conform the
flashing guide- I checked the manual on
DebianTP. But as far as I see everything there is already part of the standard image.
- I did a lot of fiddling and probably broke one or more things without noticing,realizing.
What do I notice:
- If I do a shutdown via the menu the device inmediately hangs and I have to shutdown by using the Esc key. If I do a shutdown via the terminal sometimes it shutdowns fine, sometimes it hangs also.
- If I do a hybernate via the menu the device does not react in any way.
- if I do a suspend the screen is locked but I am unsure wetter it really suspends. At least the leds stay burning and I am still able to ssh from outside. how can I know/check if the device properly suspends ?
- Last night the battery was still half full. I left it in suspend mode and found the battery nearly drained after 10 hours. This means that using the device in silent (suspend) mode the battery is drained in one day. This won't work for me if I want to use the device for daily use. I want a mobile device to get unhooked, not to join the zombie army chasing after an electric socket
My question is should I deep dive in power management and will I find a solution to get the gembian power-safe ? Or is there still something fundamental that prevents proper power management on the gembian ?
One other question is about Conman. If I turn off bluetooth every time I do a reboot bluetooth is back. How can I get bluetooth definitely turned off ?