I am looking for recommendations for a podcast app.
I have tried "Podcast Go" and it sort of does what I want but screws up on updating my RSS Feeds, sending all sorts of rubbish to my apache server. I suspect buffer overruns have screwed it's configuration.
So, what I am attempting to do is
1. Subscribe to multiple podcasts via RSS feeds that I host - I don't subscribe to podcasts directly on my devices, only on my PC - download once, use multiple
2. Mark old episodes as already listened to when initially subscribing
3. Manage subscriptions to existing podcasts, including unsubscribe, 'go check for new episodes now', 'download new episodes now' - only using WiFi
4. Automatically listen to new episodes, offline, for an individual feed or even overall, don't care which
5. Delete the downloaded episode after listening
That's all I want, everything else is superfluous, at least to me. Couldn't give two hoots about directories, searching for podcasts, adverts, playlists, what the author had for dinner, etc.
Thanks, in advance