This seems to be a common problem with Android file transfers generally.
I don't use Windows, but it behaves similarly on macOS: it opens up what looks like a Finder window, but isn't. You can drag files to and from it, but you can't rename files on the Gemini, view or change their properties, open them, or do anything else you can do in Finder windows. Plus the appearance isn't quite right, the sort order's different, and other discrepancies. Even worse, from my perspective, the device isn't mounted as a drive so it's not available to other apps, programs, scripts, tools, &c.
(And in the Mac case, it's not very stable: I had frequent freezes and crashes. Some seemed to be due to unusual but valid characters in filenames; others had no apparent reason.)
I gave up on it entirely, and set up an SSH server on my Gemini instead. Now I can connect to it from the command line and from scripts I wrote, and you can use higher-level programs like rsync. Plus you could use a variety of other comms programs that know about SSH (of which there are many). And the other good thing is that it works over wifi, so I don't need to faff around with cables!