What Android apps do you use/recommend for editing plain-text files?
I tend to have many files with memos, to-dos, meeting notes, lists, quotes, journals, account details (nothing sensitive), song lyrics, and general notes. I don't need the features of a dedicated to-do list app, nor the styling &c of a word processor; but the ability to load and save plain text files (for syncing with my Mac), to handle big files (one is 1.7MB), to open multiple files at once, to use a proportional font, to handle both UTF-8 and CP1252 encodings, and to make good use of the screen space.
I'm currently trying
Jota+, and it seems to tick all my boxes. It's very smart about file formats and encodings, has a built-in file viewer, can open multiple files in tabs, can add file shortcuts to the home screen, handles big files, can do regular-expression searching, has only a single toolbar/tab-bar, can count chars/lines/words, and is themeable.
Niggles include failure to recognise PgUp/PgDn/Home/End keypresses, and it seems to have a bit of trouble with my 1.7MB file (with odd slow-downs). But I'd still recommend it.
I also tried
SNotepad, but that wasted far too much screen space on toolbars, title, &c.
There is of course Planet's own Notes app, which is supplied with the Gemini and probably great for occasional note-taking, but it's more for keeping lots of short notes in one place — a replacement for the Psion Jotter app — instead of a file-based app, so it's less suitable for me.
What others are worth looking at?