I have been testing SFOS on my Gemini PDA for a little over a week now as my main OS.
I put my notes on my gitlab
https://gitlab.com/Meganerd.eth/Sailfish-DevelopmentWhats working:
* Audio
* Multi touch
* 4G Data
* Receiving calls (To initiate calls you have to switch to 3g mode)
* Bluetooth (Pairing with headset works)
* WiFi
* USB tether
* USB transfer
* SDK working for development
* Front camera
* Notification LEDs (can be modified too but only from config file directly /etc/mce/20hybris-led.ini)
Be carefull!* The keyboard works fine
Whats not working:
* WiFi tether
* I heard GPS isnt working, I have not tested it
* Caps lock LED - Caps lock itself is working but the LED is always on
* Silver button does nothing - I have not checked if its not recognized in XEV, it simply just may not be mapped to any key
What I recommend doing if you flash SFOS:
* Lock the screen orientation otherwise the screen will rotate on you constantly during usage. The fix below worked for everything except Kodi and the native Terminal
* To fix the terminal rotation I just modified ThumbTerm source and compiled an RPM
Lock screen orientation[div class=\'codetop\']CODE[/div][div class=\'codemain\' style=\'height:200px;white-space:pre;overflow:auto\']i) Backup Page.qml file
$ devel-su
# cd /usr/lib/qt5/qml/Sailfish/Silica/Page.qml
# cp Page.qml Page.orig.qml
# nano Page.qml
ii) Modify Page.qml (line 115)
Original line: return Orientation.All
Updated line: return Orientation.LandscapeInverted
Other views: Orientation.Portrait | Orientation.Landscape | Orientation.LandscapeInverted
iii) Reboot phone to apply changes