I have heard that others have been able to get wifi tethering to work on the Gemini community edition (PC flash image) of sailfish via the terminal/shell. I have been trying to use "connmanctl tether wifi on <ap-name> <ap-password>" under the su-devel root-ish account. But no luck. I always get back:
Error enabling wifi tethering: In Progresses
After which the GUI continues to show WiFi operating as a client.
Yes I have 4G data service. But I noticed that "connmanctl scan wifi" yields no results. Is connman broken in the community edition? If so, how is networking handled by the GUI in the first place? Maybe there is a "special" version of connmanctl tucked away some place?
I am about to do some traveling and will be needing to do a WiFi tether from time to time. So any help would be appreciated.