Author Topic: Mini review  (Read 4477 times)


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Mini review
« on: May 19, 2019, 09:24:26 pm »
Hi all, just thought I'd drop a mini review of 3.0.3, which I updated to last Friday. Overall, a worthy update, even though you might not immediately notice some of the changes.

* Pulseaudio is stilll broken.
* On calls, the microphone is still on the same side as the earphone meaning poor call quality
* The headphone jack does nothing other than put mono sound through to the headphones (ie. speaker is still on)

* Browser is updated, and seems to be more functional (no need to zoom/resize to click on hyperlinks)
* Wifi hotspot now works (I upgraded from, so it might have started working in 3.0.2)
* Wifi power drain seems to be far lower, I'll keep an eye on it
* Security fixes are always good.

* the prefs.js file can be modified automatically so webgl stops working. Easy fix is to reset the prefs file to the default
* the escape key locking on the home page is back to FN-Esc - and I had just got used to Esc

It was a fairly slow upgrade, but went without issue. Make sure you have a few gig free before trying it.

If anyone wants me to check something specific, ask.....


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Mini review
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2019, 03:12:58 am »
Thanks for this mini review, I really wanted to know how does the latest release run on the Gemini. I really hope they'll fix the microphone/earphone issue, I'd like to use Sailfish to make calls too when I'll install it.

Planet Gemini PDA WiFi/LTE with Mediatek x27
SL-C1000 running Arch Linux ARM May2017, K30225 Wi-Fi CF Card, 64GB SDXC card
and many other Zauruses!


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Mini review
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2019, 07:26:44 pm »
Quote from: Varti
Thanks for this mini review, I really wanted to know how does the latest release run on the Gemini. I really hope they'll fix the microphone/earphone issue, I'd like to use Sailfish to make calls too when I'll install it.

I've been using sailfish since it was first released for the gemini (end of June I believe). The call problem is annoying, however you can still use it as a phone. I hold the phone a little away from my ear by wrapping my fingers around the gemini. Whilst slightly annoying, it is far better than using android

Anyway, to answer your question, sailfish works really well on the gemini. I am a unix dev, so for me it really is a small laptop. I have access to all the usual utilities via the shell, and have installed a full dev environment. I patched/compiled dosbox completely on the gemini. The browser is great, even better with the latest release. It is more like a desktop/laptop browser than a phone one - which I like. It is older than other browsers, and you could run into problems with sites that require absolutely up to date browsers. For my usual browsing, it works perfectly. The only thing I was really missing was wifi hotspot - which is now working on the latest sailfish.

Now I am not a normal user I suspect, however I can say that sailfish is very usable as a primary device, provided you aren't app driven. Sailfish app support is not as good as the other main platforms for headlining apps (netflix/twit-face-agram etc). I tend to just use the website for any of those I need.

If I ever get time, I am going to look into the pulseaudio problems - I was given some ideas from Adam (gemian) from what he had to do. When gemian has a day to day usable phone stack/app, it would be worth looking at that - but until it does, sailfish works a treat.


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Mini review
« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2019, 09:03:24 pm »
I waited to report on the WiFi power issue till I had been using it for a while, but I am pleased to confirm that the WiFi drain seems to have been fixed. I leave WiFi on now, and still have 80+ % when I get home (about 12 hours of light use). Before, it would be close to 30% (until I turned off WiFi).