For reference, my CoDi randomly hangs, multiple times a day, on the Planet logo, a distorted menu or, more rarely, a distorted logo. Then, it just shows the logo or nothing, until turned off and on again from the main screen shortcut. As I like to keep the brightness down, which it forgets when restarted, restoring that setting, gets boring really soon. As I do keep restarting it, though, I am, apparently, finding it somewhat useful, even in its present state. Or I'm just a programmer, used to things not quite working.
Maybe the update to made it a bit less unstable. I feel like I'm down from about five to three restarts a day. As I upgraded to so recently, I can't say how it performs yet, though I am, obviously, hoping for the best.
My contact list doesn't get cut off, which might be because mine only has 60 or so contacts, with around 90 numbers in total. Maybe there's a limit to how many contacts the (very limited) computer running the CoDi can handle? If so, maybe forcing users with "too many" contacts to pick a first letter and then only show those contacts, would be a feasible workaround?
I do find it bothersome that it wakes up for non-events, such as when Google Play or Airmail merely looks for updates or mail. Ideally, those apps should have their own settings to only notify when they found something, but even then, I'd still like a notification filter (in Android) for the CoDi. For example, while I do want new mail notifications on the CoDi, as there might be a human awaiting my response, I do not want app update notifications on the CoDi, only on the main screen.
I would find it helpful if I could significantly lower the CoDi timeout, from its default 40 seconds, to, say, 10, so non sense distractions, at least, would go away sooner. As it is now, I feel compelled to use the "silver button" to put it back to sleep, whenever it shows something less than useful, which is often. Many times though, it will immediately wake up again, because checking email wasn't quite done or whatever. If I have explicitly told it to go back to sleep, it would be useful if it could ignore that particular type of notification for the next minute or so.
It would also be helpful if the camera preview wouldn't lag so badly. Currently, it appears to show a qVGA (240x320) picture at ~2fps, with multiple seconds of lag. As it can only ever be used for coarse framing, I'd much rather have, say a 120x160 or even 60x80 pixel preview (I mean, look at my avatar, that's 29x29), if that could get me a better frame rate with (much) less lag.