I've just finished to install my gemini with DEBIAN. (only one partition / no android or other os)
I have past many days to do it.
The 4G is working (only DATA used) but it was not easy.
So i publish all the step that i used to have a complete gemini working on debian.
I think it could be helpful for new people who want to have a complete working gemini.
Have a great reading.
[1.1] INSTALL DEBIAN ONLY (only one partition (no other os))
-go here :
http://support.planetcom.co.uk/index.php/L..._Flashing_GuideThe first step to install FlashTool on a Windows PC is to install the flash tool drivers. The drivers are needed for your Windows PC to communicate with your Gemini, the minimum requirement is to have a 64bit Windows operating system (Windows 7 or later supported).
You can find the latest drivers here: Windows Flash Tool Drivers
Once downloaded, unzip the archive. You will find a folder called FlashToolDrivers, open the folder and double click on the Install (install.bat) file. Allow the installation to complete by clicking Yes when asked to make changes.
Now that the drivers have been installed, you can download the latest Windows flash tool: Windows Flash Tool
Once downloaded the Windows FlashTool, please unzip it to reveal the FlashToolWindows folder. Next, run the flash tool by double clicking on flash_tool (flash_tool.exe) file in the FlashToolWindows folder.
*go here :
http://support.planetcom.co.uk/partitionTool.html -select gemini version (4G or wifi)
-boot 1 : select Sailfish (no this is not an error)
-move cursor to reserve all partition to linux
-download scatter file
-download base firmware
-boot 1 : select android standard
-boot 2 : select debian
-move cursor to reserve partition for debian & android
-download aditional debian firmware
*so you have 3 files :
-scatter file for selfish os
-base firmware
-debian firmware
*create a folder
-dezip base firmware inside
-dezip debian inside
-copy scatter file inside
*download Notepad++ (or something like this and make sure the file Line ending is set to Unix (LF))
*go inside created folder
-open scatter file with notepad++
-search for ALL sailfishos_boot.img and replace it with debian_boot.img. Save the file
*open flashtool
-go to « download » tab
-download-Agent : should be set to the file MTK_AllInOne_DA.bin (which is located in the FlashToolWindows or FlashToolLinux folder).
-scatter loading file : choose the scatter file that you have modifyed just before
all the files in colums must be checked and location not empty
-go to « readback » tab
-click « add » button. A row will appear in the table under.
-click « Read Back » button
connect your PC to the left end USB-C port on your Gemini and restart the Gemini. Once booted, the flash tool will detect the unit and will write the NVRAM partition on a file on your hard disk called NVRAM0. It’s a good idea to keep this file as a backup, together with the customised Scatter file.
-click « Download » tab.
-drop-down list : select « Firmware Upgrade » option from the drop down menu
-click big « download » button
-connect your PC to the left end USB-C port on your Gemini and restart the Gemini. Once booting, the flash tool will detect the unit and will start flashing the device with the selected firmware.
-wait the end of flashing
-deconnect gemini of pc
-press esc button a long time, and wainting for the login page
-on login page, select your country in « layout » drop-down list and enter password « gemini » under the username
-go to the menu -> preferences -> LXQT settings -> keyboard and mouse
in « keyboard layout », click on « add » button. Select your contry, and click « ok ».
in « keyboard model » select « planet computer gemini ». Select the the first layout « english » and click on « remove » button. Close the window.
-go to the menu -> preferences -> LXQT settings -> locale
in « region » select your country. Close the window.
[3.2.1] GENERAL
-click right on panel on the bottom, and select « configure panel ».
Go to « alignment & position » and select « position » = « top of desktop ».
Select case "auto-hide". Close windows with cross in the top right of windows
-go to the menu -> preferences -> LXQT settings -> appaerance
in « widget style » select « fusion ».
in « lxqt theme » select « light ».
in « font » select " point size" = 9 .
Close window
-click right on the Desk, and select « Desktop preferences ».
Go to « General » and select « icon size » = « 20x20 ».
Go to « Label text » and select "select fonts" = « size 6 ».
Select another tab, and press "enter" to close windows.
[3.2.2] KWIN window manager
[] change virtual desktop number
in qTerminal enter :
$ sudo s ← (to be root)
$ gemini ← (‘gemini’ is the root password)
$ cd /home/gemini/.config
$ nano kwinrc ← (simple file edition)
change line :
save & logout
[] Solve problem of window manager can't opened
if "window manager" not open when you click on it, you have to install "KDE system settings"
-in qTerminal, on root account enter :
$ apt install kwin-addons
$ apt install systemsettings
-go to the menu -> preferences -> LXQT settings -> sessions settings
in « basic settings» , in « window manager » select « kwin_x11» in the drop-down list. In « leave session » de-select « ask for confirmation to leave session ». Close the window. Reboot
[] Change title bar apparence
go to : menu -> preferences -> KDE System settings
open apparences -> window decoration
-go to "themes" tab
choose theme
click on the small button in the theme window
choose button size : small
-go to "buttons" tab
organize the buttons as you want ((see here)
[] Acceleration desktop rendering
-menu -> kde system settings -> harware -> compositor
check "enable compositor on startup"
(you can also now change options in kde system settings -> workspace -> desktop behavior -> desktop effects)
[] Panel settings
-click right on panel
select : "show only windows from desktop " : "current
select : "windows grouping"
select : "apparence / button style " : "only icon". Width : 30 . Height : 30
[3.2.3] XFWM4 window manager
-go to the menu -> preferences -> LXQT settings -> sessions settings
in « basic settings » , in « window manager » select « xfwm4 » in the drop-down list. In « leave session » de-select « ask for confirmation to leave session ». Close the window
-go to the menu -> preferences -> LXQT settings -> window manager (only work if you have changed the window manager to xfwm4)
in « style » tab, select the theme and the layout that you prefer.
The shortcuts are in the « keyboards » tab. Change them as you want.
[3.2.4] choose between KWIN or XFWM4 window manager
-make the choice as below
-logout and login again
[3.3] WIFI
-go to menu -> internet. Drag and drop « connman ui setup » in the top panel in the « drop application zone ». Click on the new icon in the panel. In « status » tab, click on the wifi button « OFF ». The button goes to green. Go to « wireless » tab, ans select the name of your wifi by clicking on it. Click on « connect » button. A new window open. Enter passphrase of wifi. Click « ok » . You are connected to wifi.
-go to the menu -> preferences -> LXQT settings -> date and time
go to « timezone » tab. Select your city.
[3.5] UPDATE
VERY important -> do not make apt update & upgrade before THIS. If not, you will break all the file system.
-in qTerminal, on root account enter :
$ wget
http://gemian.thinkglobally.org/archive-key.asc$ apt-key add archive-key.asc
$ apt update
$ apt-upgrade
if system is brocken :
enter :
$ dpkg-divert --list
$ dpkg-divert --remove /usr/lib/libreoffice/share/basic/dialog.xlc
$ dpkg-divert --remove /usr/lib/libreoffice/share/basic/script.xlc
$ cd /var/cache/apt/archives/
$ dpkg -i --force-overwrite libreoffice*
$ apt install -f
apt update
apt upgrade
your system is up to go.
[3.5.2] LOCALE
if there is this messages when you made « apt upgrade » :
locale: Cannot set LC_CTYPE to default locale: No such file or directory
locale: Cannot set LC_MESSAGES to default locale: No such file or directory
locale: Cannot set LC_ALL to default locale: No such file or directory
LANGUAGE = (unset),
LC_ALL = (unset),
-in qTerminal, on root account enter :
$ cd /home/gemini
$ nano .bashrc
and add this lines :
export LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8"
export LANG="en_US.UTF-8"
export LANGUAGE="en_US.UTF-8"
(en_US is for exemple. For france, change en_US in fr_FR)
save file.
login again
-in qTerminal, on root account enter :
$ dpkg-reconfigure locales
and choose your local language
you can control result with « locale » command
[3.5.3] MAJ DEBIAN 9 to 10 & Security updates
-in qTerminal, on root account enter :
$ nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/multistrap-debian.list
-you must have :
deb [arch=arm64]
http://http.debian.net/debian stretch main contrib non-free
deb-src [arch=arm64]
http://http.debian.net/debian stretch main contrib non-free
-add :
deb [arch=arm64]
http://security.debian.org/debian-security stretch/updates main contrib non-free
-add :
deb [arch=arm64]
http://http.debian.net/debian stretch-backports main contrib non-free
-in qTerminal, on root account enter :
$ cd « /home/gemini/.config/lxqt»
-all configuration files for LXQT are here
-go to « /usr/share/applications »
-all application configuration files are here. Name are all like this « name_of_application.desktop « .
if you want to change menu order, you have to open the file of the application you want to change in the menu.
*For example to move « data » from «accessories » to «office» :
-open «data.desktop » in nano or vi (enter « nano data.desktop »)
-search « categories », change « Utility » into « office », and save file.
The menu has been changed.
-in qTerminal, on root account enter :
$ cd /home/gemini
$ touch .Xresources
$ nano .Xresources
-in the file enter :
XTerm.vt100.forground : white
XTerm.vt100.background : black
XTerm.vt100.faceName : terminal
XTerm.vt100.fontSize : 11
XTerm.vt100.scrollBar: true
XTerm.vt100.scrollBar.width: 10
XTerm.vt100.rightScrollBar: true
XTerm.maximized: true
-and save it
load or reload the file with :
$ xrdb ~/.Xresources
-in qTerminal, on root account enter :
$ passwd gemini
- enter your new password
[3.8] CHANGE hostname
-in qTerminal, on root account enter :
$ cd /etc
$ nano hostname
enter the hostname you want
- save it
$ nano hosts
enter the same hostname for
- save it & reboot
[3.9] Suspend lid problem
[3.9.1] if when you close the lid of gemini, you have to enter the password
-in qTerminal, on root account enter :
$ cd /usr/share/polkit-1/actions/
$ nano org.freedesktop.login1.policy
search "<action id="org.freedesktop.login1.suspend">"
check if "yes" is like this :
- save it & reboot
[3.9.2] if you want auto shutdown when close the lid
-in qTerminal, on root account enter :
$ cd /usr/share/polkit-1/actions/
$ nano org.freedesktop.login1.policy
search "<action id="org.freedesktop.login1.power-off">"
check if "yes" is like this :
- save it & reboot
[3.9.3] disable the idle timeout display off
-in qTerminal, on root account enter :
$ cd /etc/X11/
$ nano xorg.conf
add this lines :
Section "ServerFlags"
Option "OffTime" "0"
Option "StandbyTime" "0"
Option "SuspendTime" "0"
Option "BlankTime" "0"
-save & reboot
[3.10] desactivate bluethooth ON on start (seem to only work on "xwfm4" window manager)
-in qTerminal, on root account enter :
$ cd /etc/default
$ nano bluetooth
change ...._ENABLED=1 to 0
- logout
[3.11] change FN+key action
-in qTerminal, on root account :
edit : /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/planet_vndr /gemini
find the part for your country
make change
[3.12.1] Do you have a problem with 4G ?
-go to the menu -> internet -> connman ui setup
go to « mobile » tab
click « powered »
if you have this message :
« cmst warning
We received a DBUS reply message indicating an error.
Error Name: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownObject
Error Message: Method "SetProperty"with signature "sv"on interface "net.conman.Technology" doesn't exist «
you have to manualy install modem 4G
-in qTerminal, on root account :
$ systemctl enable ofono
$ systemctl start ofono
$ apt install ofono-scripts
$ cd /usr/share/ofono/scripts
$ ofono-setup
$ ./create-internet-context ebouygtel.com (change with your isp APN)
$ ./create-mms-context wap.bouygtel.fr (change with your isp MMSC)
$ ./activate-context
[] ACTIVATE 4G (one time for each new session)
$ ./enable-modem
$ ./enter-pin pin 1234 (change with your pin number)
[] TURN ON (each time you need)
$ ./online-modem
[] TURN OFF (each time you need)
$ ./offline-modem
[3.12.3] CREATE SCRIPTS for automation
-in qTerminal, on root account :
$ cd /home/gemini/
$ mkdir 4G
$ cd 4G
$ touch 4G-enable.sh
$ chmod 755 4G-enable.sh
$ nano 4G-enable.sh
in the file enter :
xterm -e « cd /usr/share/ofono/scripts ; ./enable-modem ; ./enter-pin pin 1234 ; ./activate-context » &
$ touch 4G-on.sh
$ chmod 755 4G-on.sh
$ nano 4G-on.sh
in the file enter :
xterm -e « cd /usr/share/ofono/scripts ; ./online-modem » &
$ touch 4G-off.sh
$ chmod 755 4G-off.sh
$ nano 4G-off.sh
in the file enter :
xterm -e « cd /usr/share/ofono/scripts ; ./offline-modem » &
copy the .sh files on the screen, with the file manager
-go to : menu -> accessories
open file manager PCManFM
go to 4G directory
drag and drop 4G directory on the desk
[] 4G ON / OFF
click on file « 4G-enable.sh » to initialize the modem (click on « execute » button in the window pop-up). (just one time on new session)
click on file « 4G-on.sh » to make 4G ON (click on « execute » button in the window pop-up)
click on file « 4G-off.sh » to make 4G OFF (click on « execute » button in the window pop-up)
-in qTerminal, on root account :
$ apt install ufw
$ ufw enable
$ ufw default deny incoming
$ ufw default deny outgoing
$ ufw logging on
$ ufw allow out 53
$ ufw allow out 20,21/tcp
$ ufw allow out 80/tcp
$ ufw allow out 8080/tcp
$ ufw allow out 443/tcp
$ ufw allow out smtp
$ ufw allow out 465/tcp
$ ufw allow out imap
$ ufw allow out imaps/tcp
$ ufw allow out ntp
$ ufw allow out 1863/tcp
$ ufw allow out 5222/tcp
$ ufw allow out 2628/tcp
$ ufw allow out 43/tcp
$ ufw allow out 4190/tcp
$ ufw allow out 11371/tcp
* to allow KDE CONNECT :
$ ufw allow 1714:1764/tcp
$ ufw allow 1714:1764/udp
* to allow ping inside to outside :
enter :
$ cd /etc/ufw
$ nano before.rules
add this lines :
# ok icmp codes output
-A ufw-before-output -p icmp --icmp-type destination-unreachable -j ACCEPT
-A ufw-before-output -p icmp --icmp-type source-quench -j ACCEPT
-A ufw-before-output -p icmp --icmp-type time-exceeded -j ACCEPT
-A ufw-before-output -p icmp --icmp-type parameter-problem -j ACCEPT
-A ufw-before-output -p icmp --icmp-type echo-request -j ACCEPT
to not allow ping outside to inside :
change this :
-A ufw-before-input -p icmp --icmp-type echo-request -j ACCEPT
to :
-A ufw-before-input -p icmp --icmp-type echo-request -j DROP
* to allow VPN (by openVpn) :
$ ufw allow out 443/tcp
$ ufw allow out 943/tcp
$ ufw allow out 1194/udp
finaly enter :
$ ufw reload
* to disable IPV6 :
edit /etc/default/ufw
set IPV6=no
-in qTerminal, on root account :
$ apt install openvpn
$ cd /etc/openvpn
Download OpenVpn conf files (for example for surfshark) :
$ wget
https://my.surfshark.com/vpn/api/v1/server/configurationsunzip configurations
rm configurations
create file to save yours credentials :
$ touch pass.conf
$ chmod +x pass.conf
$ nano pass.conf
insert in the first line of pass.conf : your username
insert in the second line of pass.conf : your password
save it
choose a server file and connect to it with :
openvpn --config serverName.ovpn --auth-user-pass pass.conf
-in qTerminal, on root account :
$ apt install firefox-esr
*Add touchscreen for firefox :
-open about:config in firefox to set dom.w3c_touch_events.enabled=1 (default is 2).
-edit /etc/security/pam_env.conf and add MOZ_USE_XINPUT2 DEFAULT=1
-reboot and restart firefox
*Accelerate scrolling with touchscreen :
change values in :
- general.smoothScroll.xxx.durationMax to 1
- general.smoothScroll.xxx.durationMin to 1
- xxx.vertical.factor to 1000
- all the xxx.delta_multiplier_y to 1000
*Remove the title bar for firefox :
Click right on the title bar.
Choose 'More Actions -> Special Application Settings' and then going to the 'Appearance & Fixes' tab, checking the 'No titlebar and frame' option, set the dropdown to 'Force' and the radioboxes to 'Yes'.
If you want to change it later (or delete the special rule entirely) you can see all your special window rules under 'Window Manager' -> 'Window Rules' in System Settings.
( i put this part from my memory, so maybe there some mistake)
-in qTerminal, on root account :
$ apt update
$ apt upgrade
$ apt install bluez
$ apt install bluez-tools
$ apt install pulseaudio-module-bluetooth
$ hciconfig
show the list of bluetooth products
find your device, like « hciX »
turn it on with :
$ hciconfig hciX up
for BLE bluetooth product enter :
$ hcitools lescan
for NORMAL bluetooth product enter :
$ hcitools scan
the mouse appear like this :
$ xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx YOUR_DEVICE_NAME
$ gatttool -b xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx -I
in the new prompt, enter « connect »
wait for : « connection succesful »
Stephane Marcellet