Author Topic: Best email app?  (Read 6781 times)


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Best email app?
« on: August 17, 2020, 03:02:47 am »
I finally got my Gemini repaired after its hinge failed. Just for testing, I fired up AirMail.

After two years, they still haven't fixed the cursor movement and Control Backspace bugs. So needless to say, I will not be using AirMail.

What email apps besides K9 and Gmail do people here like? I won't use the latter and am currently using the former.


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Re: Best email app?
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2020, 03:50:21 am »
I have never looked beyond K9, since discovering it several years ago. It does everything I need, and it's FOSS. Why look for an alternative? (Serious question: why do you want to change from K9?)


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Re: Best email app?
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2020, 08:52:37 am »


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Re: Best email app?
« Reply #3 on: August 17, 2020, 10:37:33 am »
I use fairmail
It is open source and the developer is very, very active on xda

I have seen FairEmail several times but never tried it. Just pulling it up now thanks to this recommendation.

It looks like the app does not support resuming composing your message if you switch back via the App Bar or via a shortcut setup via External Keyboard Helper Pro. Thus far, it seems that only AirMail will let you do this.

Does the developer of FairEmail have a Gemini? Has anyone on here corresponded with him?


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Re: Best email app?
« Reply #4 on: August 17, 2020, 10:39:23 am »
I have never looked beyond K9, since discovering it several years ago. It does everything I need, and it's FOSS. Why look for an alternative? (Serious question: why do you want to change from K9?)

K9 does have a lot of nice features, however, you can't use the AppBar to resume your message if you switch away from it while composing. I find this extremely irritating.

Also, the interface of AirMail is so much better optimized for landscape usage compared to K9.


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Re: Best email app?
« Reply #5 on: August 17, 2020, 05:47:34 pm »
Are you sure? I can switch with the ap bar. My Mail is saved in the draft folder.


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Re: Best email app?
« Reply #6 on: August 17, 2020, 06:21:36 pm »
Yes it is saved in the folder but I want to be able to immediately resume composition without having to find it again. That's exactly what you can do on a PC or on an iPad.

Now it is possible to get back to your message in the App Switcher view but it's slower to have to sort through it instead of push a single hotkey.

I'm not sure why this is such a difficult thing for most Android email apps. I will say, however, that FairEmail does seem quite powerful now that I've tried it. I just wish it had the feature I'm talking about.


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Re: Best email app?
« Reply #7 on: August 17, 2020, 09:10:58 pm »
I'm using ProfiMail (and have been for some years on Symbian earlier...), and it lets you switch back and forth (I sometimes have to compile some information I have in various files/locations on my phone, and as long as I switch by going to the desktop or by alt-tabbing). (And I assume it works with keyboard shortcuts too, if one has that set up with an appropriate app.) If I need information from another mail, I of course WILL have to save a draft and open it again.

I find it operates more reliably on the Cosmo than it did on the Gemini, but it handles something like 20 mail-accounts, of which several has several thousand mails in both inbox and sent-folder for me, so that is probably the main reason for that anyway... It does have some bugs, like replying to a mail in the "sent" folder, reply to yourself (which you can get around by using "reply all" and take yourself off the list). It used to handle that correctly before, I'm sure.

But one of the main reasons I prefer/swear by it, is because of their three panel view: Left side, mail-accounts, top right, mails in current box/folder, and bottom right, mail preview (I seldom view mails in fullscreen at all, I just use the preview). And it supports quite a few keyboard shortcuts (but believe it supported more on my Nokia E90/E7...).


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Re: Best email app?
« Reply #8 on: August 18, 2020, 12:03:59 am »
I have not tried that one either. How fast would you say it is in  comparison to K9?


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Re: Best email app?
« Reply #9 on: August 18, 2020, 12:16:03 pm »
I have not tried that one either. How fast would you say it is in  comparison to K9?

Have not really tried K9 or Airmail. (I have had both installed, but other than just setting up some accounts, I haven't really used either, as I didn't really find any of them "suitable" for me, coming from ProfiMail. I don't really remember WHY, but it was profound enough that I didn't see any point trying them further...)

"Fast" in regards to what? It responds quickly on my Cosmo, but would "hang" on occasion on my Gemini, but like I stated earlier, I believe that is on account of my many, and large, mail-accounts. It usually updates all my accounts set up with "IMAP-idle" (around 10) in around 10 seconds I estimate (never measured it...), if I have disconnected it, and then reconnect. Sending is quite fast, I think, but I usually need to disconnect (set ProfiMail to "offline") my "IMAP-idle" accounts, to upload it to the server. (It will still sit in the folder on Profimail until you get it uploaded. And going in to, and then out of, the sent folder, will initiate an attempt to send. I have trouble getting it to upload drafts at all, but might be because I'm "online" in ProfiMail?? And have trouble initiating an attempt to upload drafts at all. It HAS uploaded drafts on occasion, but don't really know how, or why, it did in those occasions... :o )

Hope that "helps"? ???


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Re: Best email app?
« Reply #10 on: August 18, 2020, 08:33:46 pm »
Thanks for the recommendation. I tried it out for a while but it looks like you cannot have the message list on the left and the message preview pane on the right. That's a bit of a deal-breaker for me.

Also, it looks like the AppBar/keystroke switch to resume composition doesn't seem to work on my Gemini.


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Re: Best email app?
« Reply #11 on: August 19, 2020, 10:31:10 pm »
Thanks for the recommendation. I tried it out for a while but it looks like you cannot have the message list on the left and the message preview pane on the right. That's a bit of a deal-breaker for me.

Also, it looks like the AppBar/keystroke switch to resume composition doesn't seem to work on my Gemini.
That is certainly wrong! Press "p" to turn preview on and off! Works both in the "full overview" where you have ALL your mailboxes on the right and the list of the mails in the "current" box on the right (the preview will the be right bottom), and if you "open" a specific "box" the preview will be on the right.

But it does seem that if I open ProfiMail again through it's icon, it will "close" the mail composition, but if you "alt-tab" to it, it will stay open. So if your keystoke-app emulates opening like that it will not work (and I certainly assume opening from AppBar emulates that). But it should be possible to go in and out of constructing/writing an e-mail, but seems you are limited to "alt-tabbing" in to ProfiMail for that.

I'm quite sure it worked with other means of going in to it again earlier (unless you go out of it by using back-button/escape key, then you would WANT it to save it as a draft), as I'm quite sure it supported more keyboard shortcuts earlier too, and even more so in the Symbian version. But it has quite few still, but strangely I don't find a list of them on their website anymore. It is also mostly maneuverable by using arrow-keys, spacebar and enter, the only thing you can't do is open the "subfolder-list" of a mailbox, which was entirely possible on Symbian! If you want to give it another try, I can try and list the keyboard shortcuts I remember, or you can try for yourself. Be aware that some actions require the "focus" of the app to be in the "right pane", and it doesn't necessarily be where you THINK it is (usually it is in the "box-pane", when you think it is in the "message-pane"), but I find it not that cumbersome to arrow over, mark another mail, and then go to the desired one. And it supports the spellchecking of Android, but I assume most mail-apps do that?


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Re: Best email app?
« Reply #12 on: November 11, 2020, 03:32:57 am »
Try the "Bluemail" app. I recently switched to Bluemail from Gmail and it works as a cross email platform while offering features such as intelligent push notifications, advanced email organization options, integrated calendar, dark theme and more