Author Topic: Can we get waydroid running on Sailfish for Gemini?  (Read 3028 times)


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Can we get waydroid running on Sailfish for Gemini?
« on: May 29, 2022, 08:10:16 am »
Has anyone tried ?

as far as I can tell, a few modules are missing, and can possibly be installed.

The following is my process until I got stuck:

*Starting from a fresh official Sailfish installation
*Signed in to my jolla account
*Enabled developer mode
* allow install from other sources

First choice, CHUM or CHUM-gui?
I am not sure what is better, I used gui, and looks like it worked fine

* installed sailfishos-chum-gui for arm (got the direct link from )

in a terminal using either pkcon or zypper:

devel-su pkcon refresh

Second choice WayDroid Settings or Wayrdroid Runner ?
from it boils down to slow and better integration vs faster and worse integration ... I went with runner

devel-su pkcon install waydroid-runner

this installed:
python3-gbinder, waydroid-gbinder-config-hybris, waydroid-runner, waydroid sensors

now, when initiating waydroid, it looks like some modules are missing:

devel-su waydroid init

Failed to load binder driver
modprobe: FATAL: Module binder_linux not found in directory /lib/modules/3/18.41
ERROR: Binder node "vndbinder" for waydroid not found

it looks like something called anbox-vndbinder,anbox-hwbinder are missing (from linux kernel??)

according to the kernel needs to be built with certain requirements.

if I go to there is some mention of binder linux, but that is for debian. (I see some similar instructions for arch: )

It seems this whole development is quite new, and there is some other interest for waydroid on gemini:

Gemini PDA x27

Dom (shymega)

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Re: Can we get waydroid running on Sailfish for Gemini?
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2022, 01:32:37 pm »
It's probably possible, but you need to compile the `ashmem` and `binder` kernel modules for it. I managed it on OpenSUSE once, but now use NixOS.

Make sure to do a full update first though.


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Re: Can we get waydroid running on Sailfish for Gemini?
« Reply #2 on: November 24, 2022, 08:10:34 pm »
Just curious if anyone got any further with this. I have just installed Sailfish on my brother's Gemini and I expect him to want to run a few Android apps while waiting for his Astro to arrive.


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Re: Can we get waydroid running on Sailfish for Gemini?
« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2022, 03:31:40 pm »
I don't know enough about kernel patches to do it without some kind reference guide to at least something similar. The previous links I posted are still the best resources I could find, please feel free to add more links if you find relevant information.
Gemini PDA x27


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Re: Can we get waydroid running on Sailfish for Gemini?
« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2023, 04:15:37 am »
There is some info here on getting WayDroid working on the PinePhone (also with keyboard). I don't know if this would be of help for someone experimenting with Waydroid on the Gemini.
It perhaps provides hints for some of your questions above—suggesting waydroid-runner and gbinder ...
Let us know if you try it.


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Re: Can we get waydroid running on Sailfish for Gemini?
« Reply #5 on: February 22, 2023, 08:10:40 am »
I recently made some effort to backport the binder module from 4.14. During the work it turned out I had to backport also the PSI and ambient capabilities, which was successfull. Currently the waydroid is not complaining about the binder module anymore but it fails to start with default configuration. I lack deeper knowledge of waydroid, maybe someone more experienced can investigate further and at least say if it possible to run it at all. I found somewhere that you need at least android version 9 (Halium 9) for the device to run waydroid (gemini is based on 7 and 8 version). Maybe custom lineage image should be created for waydroid on the base of this port ? I hope someone can help to make it work.

My work is available here, including flashable boot.img

Best regards