Author Topic: Selling rarely used Cosmo with german keyboard - prefered near munich  (Read 8902 times)


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i will sell my rarely used Cosmo with a german keyboard - all parts working fine.

Without a good working Salfish OS (or out of the box working linux) i had no usage for the Cosmo :(.

I prefer a face-to-face handover, so someone near munich (germany) would be fine.
On the planet store the cosmo price is 599,00£ - this is 679,00€ today.
So i think 450,00€ should be fair for the cosmo in good condition and a completely filled original box ;).

If anybody is interested please send me a privat message ...

Amongst many other Computers and Phones i'm using a Gemini PDA WIFI+G4 and a Cosmo Communicator both with German keyboard, all with SailfishOS and Debian ;-)