Here is the latest.... Need testers!
## Note: base system is a hdd install of DamnSmallLinux 0.6.3
## space needed: 125MB dsl base -> 811MB everything installed (~700MB)
# create working dir
mkdir ~/OPIE_SDK_install
cd ~/OPIE_SDK_install
# Install and Prep GCC 3.3.2 ARM cross-compiler be used by OPIESDK
## this is for OZ 3.3.6-pre1, for older versions of OZ you must use gcc 2.95.3
## and this next bit does not apply.
# wget # Local Mirror for testing
cd /
tar -jxvf ~/OPIE_SDK_install/cross-3.3.2.tar.bz2
cd ~/OPIE_SDK_install
mkdir -p /usr/local/arm/
ln -s /opt/cross /usr/local/arm/2.95.3
rm -f ~/OPIE_SDK_install/cross-3.3.2.tar.bz2
# install SDK
# wget # OPIE SDK Main
wget # OPIE SDK Mirror
# wget # Local Mirror for testing
cd /
tar -jxvf ~/OPIE_SDK_install/OpieSdk.tar.bz2
cd ~/OPIE_SDK_install
rm -f ~/OPIE_SDK_install/OpieSdk.tar.bz2
apt-get install libpng3 make libdb3 kdelibs4 perl g++ qte-fonts qt3-dev-tools-embedded qt3-designer
## no kdelibs4 = kdevelop: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/
ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/
ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/
ln -s /usr/bin/make /usr/bin/gmake # no gmake = *** Exited with status: 127 ***
## no xlibmesa-gl-dbg | xlibmesa-gl | mesag3 | nvidia-glx | xlibmesa-gl | mesag3-glide2 | mesag3+ggi = kbuildsycoca/kdevelop: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
## no perl = Can\'t locate File/ in @INC ... BEGIN failed ... *** Exited with status: 2 ***
## no g++ = *** Exited with status: 127 ***
ln -s /usr/share/qte3 /usr/local/qt-embedded # no qte-fonts = Cannot find font definition file /usr/local/qt-embedded/lib/fonts/fontdir - is $QTDIR set correctly?
## no qt3-dev-tools-embedded = no qvfb (frame buffer for testing)
## qvfb: make sure you have glx loaded in your XF86Config | XF86Config-4 (whichever is used on your system)
## Section "Module"
## Load "glx"
## EndSection
## no qt3-designer = no ability to edit application gui layout files (.ui)
## Start the final set-up
qvfb &
## --== Building a project ==--
## Project -> New Project -> C++ -> Opie Application
## give it a name, next, next, next, finish
## Build -> Build Project
## Build -> Execute Main Program
## --== Package for OZ 3.3.6pre1 ==--
## in QMake Manager (right panel 2nd icon from the top), configuration (wrench):
## Dev/Test: QMake Subproject Configuration -> Make Spec -> Native G++
## Release: QMake Subproject Configuration -> Make Spec -> SL-55xx and SL-50xx
## Build -> Clean Project
## Build -> Build Project
## Build -> Build Package (check mark)
## deploy .ipk to Zaurus
## manually create symlink from /opt/Qtopia/bin/quicklauncher to /opt/Qtopia/bin/app, if neccessary
## manually create symlink from your app to /opt/Qtopia/apps/Applications/app.desktop, if neccessary
# i.e.
# lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 66 Mar 24 07:51 gt1.desktop -> /mnt/card/oz3.3.6-pre1/opt/QtPalmtop/apps/Applications/gt1.desktop
### ------------- below does not work (qt3-designer breaks compiling) ---------------
## click on file selector (left side panel, top icon)
## click on ?base.ui file
## \'Break layout\', add something, \'Layout grid\'
## Save .ui
## minimize qt3-designer
## Build -> Build Project
## Build -> Execute Main Program