Hello, all!
For various reasons I have not used my SL-5500 very much at all in the year or so since I bought it. However, I recently had occasion to change my desktop OS, and am now dusting off the Z for use as, among other things, my PDA. I know people use their Zauri for many things, but PDA/PIM/sync functions are very high on my need-to-have list. In order to have better sync capabilities I have even switched to Outlook 2003 (though I am holding out on the email side of that... for now!)
I am a hardcore planner. I carry Franklin-Covey planners and use the heck out of them. I make heavy use of to-do lists, appointments, alarms and calendars. One concern I have regarding the Z or any handheld device is the storage capaciry and archival functions.
So my question is -- those of you who use your Z as a PDA/PIM tool -- what are your impressions of the storage capacity of the SL-5500 (or Zaurus in general) for these types of PIM data? Are you doing any sort of information purging or cycling-out to make way for newer data? Are you archiving historical information, and if so, how are you doing this?
I'm looking less for a step-by-step HOWTO than I am for some "best practices" or processes that work for those of you who're more Zaurus-experienced than I am. Thanks for any info you can share!