Terribly sorry for my recent 'disappearance'... :/ I've been hellishly busy.
I've been working on other things, but I've decided to try to put those on hold for a while (various websites, other minor non-paying projects), and concentrate on this. Other than one particular website I have to design, Watapon is my main project now.
First, I'll work on 1.6 and give it a final cleanup, fixup, and re-release for the PIM things, etc. Maybe release it as 1.8.
Next, I'll work on version 2. Which will be a basically from-scratch Sharp ROM-style (i.e. RO filesystem with symlinks, GCC 2.95, etc.), using Opie instead of Qtopia.
I'll look into the IR problems in 1.6, but I can't guarantee anything, as my selection of IR devices is rather limited (i.e. a few people with Palms I know)... If someone else can figure out a fix, I'll incorporate it.
For 2, I'll look into the hostap drivers heavily, along with everything else. I also plan to use a custom-compiled 'special kernel' style kernel - but of course you can always use your kernel of choice, as always.
So, with any luck I'll get that clean up of 1.6 done in a week or so, and 2.0 coming along pretty well in a month or so.
As to the PayPal question... Sorry, I don't have any accounts. Maybe I'll look into it when I finish 2. As then I'll actually have something other than just a Sharp ROM-based thing... Something that not just anyone could do easily.