I recently bought a used Zaurus 5500 running OpenZaurus. It worked perfectly for a couple of weeks and then one day it would not start properly or complete booting. I did not drop it or do anything that might have damaged it. The symptoms are not always identical but this is roughly what happens:
It usually does not repsond to the the On switch. After fiddling with the battery it then will usually start. Often I just have to toggle the remove battery switch, other times I have to remove the battery and replace it. I bought a new battery but that made no difference.
Then it starts to boot and I see the words OpenZaurus and the logo.
Instead of booting straight into the GUI it now stops at the shell with a "openzaurus login:"
The keyboard does not respond properly at this stage. Most normal keypresses are ignored but it interprets
d and m as the shift key
j as the shift key both on pressing the key as well as releasing it.
, (comma) as ?
Up arrow as something rather like a 9
Tab as Ã
/ as E
Space as \
` as F
All keypresses with the function key produce something - usually two things with the press and then release.
Once I press d or m it accepts the input and asks for a password and then times out normally and asks for login details again
Being unable to enter the user name or password I have no idea what would happen if I could log in.
Any help or advice would be really appreciated as I really liked the Z.