I was wondering if there is a good faq anywhere about the gpe rom for OZ. I have lot's of questions that seem generic to me, but I can't find them in the forum.
In case someone is board, and can't think of an faw, here's my biggest problems.
i can't seemt o mount my CF or SD cards, but in my file structure /mnt/card and /mnt/sd have diretories that do not appear to be on the cards. After many attempts those directories now apear on my CF card, empty, but other things that are on the CF do not show up.
Without the CF working, I have no way of getting ipks to my zaurus right now.
The package manager in the gpe version seems to be missing some realy critical features. Like defining locations to search for ipk's that can be installed. I found that through the file menu I can browse to a specific ipk for instalation, but that is a pain and I caan't realy test it without the CF anyway.
I want to us this rom because it looks absolutely fntastic, and what does work is ultra smooth, it just seems a litle broken for the moment. I can't wait for the first stable release.