Well, no go so far....
Per previous posts below:
1) Don't have my USB PC Card AC adapter with me today, so can't try that idea out till later.
2) Have tried to uninstall 'SL Series (NDIS 5) devices' in Device Mgr...however, wouldn't let me do that. Got error message that device was needed for startup...
Did try rebooting PC and plugging in Z while turned on...but no sync...
I do get some communication with PC after clicking 'Sync Start' button on Z, as I see 'Synchronization in Progress' window open up on my PC....
However, after a minute I always get the error message about some 'communication problem....disconnect my Z, wait at least 30 seconds before reconnecting, check settings on Z and Zaurus Mgr, etc'....
Have same problem whether I try using 'USB -I/O (default) or USB - TCP/IP (advanced) as connection setting.
Any other ideas??