Thanks everybody for the help. Here are the answers to the questions above:
I am using the latest stable Cacko ROM, downkloaded a little more than a week ago. cardctl ident reports:
Socket 0:
product info: "Symbol", "Sectrum24 LA4100 Series WLAN PC Card", "1.00"
manfid: 0x026c, 0x0001
function: 6 (network)
Based on the above, I added the following to wlan-ng.conf:
card "Symbol 802.11b"
manfid 0x026c, 0x0001
bind prism_cs
I am using WEP (no choice) and have entered the key in hex, not as a pass phrase.
maslovsky wrote:
> Turn off Autoconnect options in Network Settings.
Why? (Not doubting, just seeking to understand.)
How can I tell whether the card is being properly recognized?