Author Topic: Oz 3.5.2 Opie And Sl6000  (Read 1360 times)


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Oz 3.5.2 Opie And Sl6000
« on: January 06, 2005, 07:35:51 am »

after flashing with OZ3.5.2 opie on Sl6000 i can see the following under the sorage tab of System Info:

internal storage /dev/root  (~27 MB, 17 utilized) mounted as /
internal storage /dev/mtdblock3 (~28 MB ~1 utilised) mounted as /home
internal memory ~30 MB (none utilised) mounted as ????
internal memory ~30 MB (none utilised) mounted as /mnt/ram

and of course, SD and CF cards as available.

/mnt/ram is listed as one of the default options to install applications and everything installs ok but the the files in /mnt/ram are not persistent across re-boots (ok when suspend/resume). therefore installing anything on /mnt/ram appears to be not very useful. is there a way to make data in /mnt/ram to persist across reboots? if not, what good is /mnt/ram for? and how to use the second block of 30 MB? thanks in advance

the ipkg-link that comes with OZ3.5.2 doesnt use the destinations from /etc/ipkg.conf. everything hardcoded. but there is another ipkg-link available from another thread in this forum which works ok . so if /home is to be used to new app install please use the replacement ipkg-link.


6000L, 1G Toshiba CF, 1G Panasonic HiSpeed SD, host of other CF cards
currently with pdaXrom with xfce


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Oz 3.5.2 Opie And Sl6000
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2005, 04:19:00 pm »
No there isn't a way to store the information on the RAM memory across reboots. Unless of course you were to copy it to part of the FLASH memory on shutdown, and copy it back on bootup. As for possible uses it could be swap, cached websites, or maybe tmp download space for ipkg. On my installation I actually see it mounted as /mnt/ram and /var. So one of the 30mb sections is being used for logs and other such files.

What does the Sharp ROM use it for?

I wonder if someone could explain how these filesystems are mounted? In the fstab all you see is
Code: [Select]
tmpfs   /mnt/ram    tmpfs   defaults  0 0How does linux know how to handle that?