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Messages - rcolistete

Pages: [1]
Gemini PDA - Linux / ExaGear: Wine on gemini?
« on: January 11, 2019, 06:29:29 am »
Great !

There are scaling options inside Wine.

I'll try installing and configure EPOC OS Emulator to mimic an Psion 5MX inside Gemini.

Gemini PDA - Linux / ExaGear: Wine on gemini?
« on: January 07, 2019, 11:33:19 pm »
Does anybody succeeded to run EPOC Emulator inside Wine + Exagear Desktop ARM v8 on Debian 9.x @ Gemini ?

Gemini PDA - Linux / Flatpak on Debian @ Gemini
« on: January 06, 2019, 04:52:49 pm »
More Fastpak softwares compatible with Debian ARM64 on Gemini, since August :
- Visual Studio Code - OSS : IDE for many programming languages, from Microsoft;
- CuteMarkEd : a Qt-based, free and open source Markdown editor with live HTML preview, math expressions, code and markdown syntax highlighting;
- Marker : powerful markdown editor;
- QOwnNotes : plain-text file notepad with markdown support and ownCloud integration;
- PDF Mix Tool : application to split, merge, rotate and mix PDF files;
- PDF Slicer : a simple tool to extract and rotate pages of a PDF document;
- Jamovi : real-time statistical spreadsheet.

If screen, rshell, etc, don't work, then use "sudo" before these commands.

I don't know the reason, even after the "usermod" and "chgrp", in the last months I have to use "sudo", while it wasn't needed in August.

Gemini PDA - Linux / Automount USB Flash Drive
« on: January 06, 2019, 11:11:07 am »
Quote from: ArchiMark
Tried to use a USB Flash Drive via the Gemini hub, but does not auto-mount or be recognized.

Any suggestions to get drives to be automatically mounted?


No so elegant, but it works for my microSD :
Automount microSD

Gemini PDA - Sailfish OS / The path ahead for SFOS on Gemini?
« on: August 30, 2018, 12:08:16 am »
Quote from: depscribe
I contacted Jolla about purchase of Sailfish from them -- it has features that the community edition doesn't -- in the U.S., where navigating to the Jolla Store throws a "not available in your country" error.

But it turns out that it's not available in most countries. Here's part of the response: "The only way at the moment is to have a friend in EU, Norway or Switzerland who could buy a license for you and then deliver it to you. You could ask around on Jolla Pioneer Fans on Facebook or"

Many Gemini users, I'd guess, are not in the EU, Norway, or Switzerland.
To buy the Sailfish X, just use Opera browse,  which has a built in VPN (choose Europe).

Problably Sailfish 3 for Gemini will be the same.

Gemini PDA - Linux / Flatpak on Debian @ Gemini
« on: August 21, 2018, 12:53:39 pm »
Arduino IDE v1.8.5 via Flatpak has very large menu/dialog fonts. Fix is simple :
[solved] ugly arduino IDE menu fonts
Edit "/var/lib/flatpak/cc.arduino.arduinoide/current/.../files/Arduino/arduino" changing :
Code: [Select]

One limitation of Arduino IDE for arm64 is no Expressif ESP32 support (compiler not available to your OS).

But Arduino AVR, ESP8266, etc, are fine.

After the configuration cited in the 1st post, some useful CLI and GUI usb-serial tools that I use with my MicroPython boards (Pyboard, ESP8266, BBC Micro:bit, LoPy, ESP32, etc) :

- screen (terminal serial) :
$ sudo apt-get install screen

- rshell (Remote MicroPytyhon shell) :
$ pip3 install rshell

- ESPTool to install MicroPython firmware on ESP8266 and ESP32 :
$ pip install esptool

- Ampy (Adafruit MicroPython Tool) :
$ pip install adafruit-ampy

- uflash and ufs for MicroPython on BBC Micro:bit :
$ pip install uflash microfs

- Mu Editor for MicroPython on BBC Micro:bit, CircuitPython on Adafruit boards, Pygame Zero, Python3, follow :
"How to install Mu with Python packaging on Windows, OSX and Linux"
$ pip3 install mu-editor
but it has dependencies problems with PyQt5 on Debian @ Gemini, so it doesn't install.

Quote from: Murple2
Does your user have permission to use serial? On Arch Linux I have to add myself to the uucp group, but on Debian I think it is the dialout[\b] group. Maybe a Debian person can confirm?

Anyway the command would be something like
Code: [Select]
usermod -a -G dialout [i]yourusername[/i]
Thanks, it is not only to add gemini user to dialout (it was already), but to add the dialout grupo to the usb-serial device files (/dev/ttyACM0, /dev/ttyUSB0, etc), see the 1st post modified with the solution.

Gemini PDA - Linux / Flatpak on Debian @ Gemini
« on: August 21, 2018, 01:12:46 am »
Flatpak 1.0 released, aims to simplify installation of Linux apps
see the install instructions :
for Debian :
which worked on Debian @ Gemini :
Code: [Select]
$ sudo apt install flatpak
$ sudo flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub

From the Flathub :
many softwares don't install on arm 64 bits, with error message "No such branch ...aarch64".
Like Dropbox, Skype, Spotify, Atom, PyCharm, SublimeText, VisualStudio Code, etc.

List of flatpak softwares with arm64 support :
- Arduino IDE (1.8.5), with some large menu/dialog fonts;
- Telegram Desktop : works very well;
- UberWriter : Markdown editor, but it is too much slow and even blocks cursor mouse movement;
- etc.

Let's comment which flatpak softwares install on Debian @ Gemini and work well.

Gemini PDA - Linux / Automount microSD
« on: August 18, 2018, 03:30:12 pm »
I'm using Debian 9.4 on Gemini with triple boot (Android, Debian, Sailfish), firmware from July 2018.

As there is no auto mounting of microSD card, I've used the following steps to have 2 partitions (FAT32, Ext4) on microSD visible on Debian :

Just once :
Code: [Select]
$ sudo mkdir -p /media/sd
$ sudo chmod 777 /media/sd
$ sudo mkdir -p /media/sdext4
$ sudo chmod 777 /media/sdext4

Created "/etc/fstab" with the content :
Code: [Select]
/dev/mmcblk1p1    /media/sd            vfat    defaults,noatime,discard,user,umask=0000        0       0
/dev/mmcblk1p2    /media/sdext4        ext4    defaults,noatime,discard        0       0

I've realized that small errors on this fstab, or microSD nor inserted, make Debian to not boot ! The above one works (if there is a microSD inserted).

Any better way to auto mount microSD partitions on Debian ?

I'd to like to use Debian on Gemini to do microcontrollers development using USB cable (USB serial interface) to run Arduino IDE, MicroPython (via screen, rshell, etc). They use USB serial communication.

After installing the modular Linux kernel and extra module for the Gemini PDA with USB serial drivers, optimizatons, etc, from :
PL2303 serial adapter drivers?
my microcontrollers (ESP8266, BC Micro:bit, Arduino Nano, etc) are recognized as /dev/ttyACM0 or /dev/ttyUSB0, but "screen" doesn't work (closes connection after starting) and Arduino IDE doesn't show any serial port.

(2018/08/21) : SOLUTION FOUND : solution is not only to add gemini user to dialout group (it was already becuase gemini is the unique user), but also to change the group of the tty devices to dialout (it is not done automatically like other Linux) :
Code: [Select]
$ sudo usermod -a -G dialout gemini
$ sudo chgrp dialout /dev/ttyACM0
$ sudo chgrp dialout /dev/ttyUSB0
Repeat for any other USB serial tty port (USB1 for a 2nd microcontroller, etc).

Tested with :
- Arduino IDE (v1.8.5 installed using Flatpak, see other topic) with ESP8266, worked well, only some large menu/dialog fonts.
- rshell or screen connecting Pyboard with MicroPython, 100% ok !

Important : the microcontrollers were connected with microUSB & USB-A cable to a USB-C -> USB-A hub in the left port of Gemini.

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