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Messages - ksandom

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Astro Slide - Hardware / Re: Back side of the display ugly?
« on: September 22, 2021, 04:35:36 am »
Hey gymbo, Thanks for your thoughts.

> to sit on a surface with the back VISIBLE to anyone sitting across from you

Fair point. My impression is that it will be less visible than you think, based on the angle that it opens at. But that's speculation for now. In any case, it is a relevant point.

I know this conversation probably isn't going to lead to real world change, but I'd love to understand your opinion better. Could you tell me more about:

* What is it about the current look that makes it ugly to you? - This might be obvious to you, but to me the device exactly matches my expectations.  So it would be great to understand it better.
* What could be changed to satisfy you? You mentioned "At least a better finish on the surface, or even some colour". Colour, cool. What are you thinking about the finish?
* What would perfection look like for you?

While thinking about this conversation, I've been trying to think "What would Apple do?" given that they are notorious for form over function: . My best guess is that it would be brushed grey aluminium instead of matt black, they'd probably remove the assembly sticker, and they'd probably make the screws inaccessible. Can you think of anything else?

These questions are open to anyone.

Astro Slide - Hardware / Back side of the display ugly?
« on: September 21, 2021, 10:01:58 am »
I've seen quite a few comments about the back of the display being ugly when the sliding mechanism is open.

I'd like to run a few thoughts by you:

* I've attached photos of my previous slider phones  (you'll need an account to see them). They look pretty much the same: What do you imagine being improved on?
* The screws being accessible is really good for repairability. Eg That exposed screen is going to be much more sensitive to drops than previous PC devices.
* As someone who has used this form-factor obsessively for many years: It's rare than anyone looks at the display back on normal day-to-day usage. They are usually pre-occupied with "Woah, what's what?!"

Astro Slide - Hardware / Re: Pictures from Tokyo Meet up
« on: September 19, 2021, 10:45:16 am »
Thank you for posting.

For anyone else having trouble viewing the photos, registering made them show up for me. Thanks to @MagikGuard for the suggestion.

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