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Topics - xarope

Pages: [1]
Sharp ROMs / C760 w/Cacko 1.20 (Daniela) no suspend on lid close?
« on: March 12, 2004, 02:49:40 am »
I don\'t know if it\'s just me, but my C760 w/Sharp ROM (+ preempt kernel) used to suspend when I closed the lid (or when I pressed the little switch on the upper left of the keyboard, above the 1 and 2 keys).

But now with the Cacko 1.20 (Daniela) ROM, it doesn\'t suspend anymore, I have to manually hit the on/off button at the back, or wait till is suspends depending on light/power settings.

Anybody noticed the same?  I tried pressing that switch and then checking the output of dmesg, but no output, not sure where else to monitor to see if that action is being picked up.

Software / now using KO/Pi, how to "disable" datebook?
« on: February 20, 2004, 03:49:45 am »
Now that I\'m happy with KO/Pi, does anybody know how I stop datebook from springing up with the preset alarms (i.e. where I\'ve put alarms to remind me of appointments etc)?

I thought maybe I could just mv datebook and ln -s to korganizer in /home/QtPalmtop/bin, but lo and behold, datebook, addressbook and others are symlinks to quickexec, which is found in /usr/QtPalmtop.rom/bin.

I found this in google (cached, since is not around):
You won\'t find a datebook or addressbook binary in the ROM because the
builtin Sharp apps all use QuickExec to speed up execution. QuickExec keeps running in the background and keeps common parts of all apps loaded in memory. When a QuickExec app is launched, it simply loads the application library from /home/QtPalmtop/binlib for all the application specific code to execute. This is different to Fast Load. Fast Load keeps the entirety of an app running in the background.

So I can unlink it, but I don\'t think that stops quickexec from launching the /home/QtPalmtop/binlin/

Any thoughts?

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