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Zaurus - pdaXrom / Does anybody have maxima compiled?
« on: October 13, 2004, 03:58:48 am »
I tried a build from debian-arm, it was segfaulting on first lisp interpreter use on startup with all avalaible pdaxrom versions. Then I tried to compile clisp with both devkits (onboard and crosscompiler ones), without any success, so I'm not able even to try to compile maxima.  Maybe at least a half of work (compiler) is done by somebody or there are similar math enviroments compiled for zaurus (scilab?)?

Zaurus - pdaXrom / RC5 and usb host
« on: October 10, 2004, 09:49:58 am »
Migration to devfs brought troubles with usb host support. Last pdaxrom version without these troubles - 1.0.5.

- There are no more messages about plugged usb devices appearing in dmesg output in rc5 (dmesg output in rc2 and rc3 is ok).
- Devfsd isn't able to create correct device files automatically with it's default configuration in rc2, rc3 and rc5, manual devices creating with node numbers taken from my desktop doesn't help - it seems, node numbers are wrong (I tried 8 as major and 0-32 as minors). Also tried to use scsi devices creation entries in devfsd.conf from my desktop, without any luck.
- Disabling devfsd loading in rc.* files makes normal boot process impossible (init says about too many spawns of process named "ln", then I have only to restore rc.*'s through ssh and reboot).

Precompiled drivers for cfu1 host and various usb devices are loading without any errors, there are no segfaults when connecting devices to host.

USB mouse support in pdaxrom is very important, because now we have quake running.

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