« on: December 12, 2003, 10:44:03 am »
I think its dead. I was so happy to have my Zaurus sync working, that I went into packages, and saw that the feed now has an \"updated filter\". Assuming I knew what this meant, I selected all the items, hit apply changes, ignored the confirmation, and proceeded to remove 8 critical packages from the system, including libc.
So I thought, what the heck, reflash. I reflashed it, powered it on, and forgot about it overnight. Came back this morning to a very warm Zaurus, instructing me to tap anywhere to begin. No taps worked, nothing worked. Recycled the power, and still stuck with an unresponsive \"tap anywhere\" to begin. Ok, no problem. Hard reset, and it won\'t get past the OpenZaurus fb logo and \"booting...\". Uh-oh. Tried a re-flash, only green LED, not both showing up. Tried other CF cards, only green LED. Now I can\'t get any response from the unit, aside from that green LED staring me in the eyes.
Might have to spend some more $$, dunno.