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Messages - djacco

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Cxx0 General discussions / Nand Restore Problem
« on: August 14, 2006, 06:13:20 pm »
I want to do a nand restore to the origional sharp rom to get partitionsize to the origional size but it seems that my c860 hangs itself ...
when I select  nand flash restore in the service menu I get the message Nand restore from CF and then nothing happens ... I am waiting for 20 minutes now but still nothing ... how long does it take ? or what do I do to fix it ... (got the file unzipped and put it on a 516 mb CF formatted as Fat 16)
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most likely your CF card isn't being recognised - I tried & failed to restore from CF last night & in the end I formatted an sd card as fat16 & the restore worked first time.

You know the restore is working, because you get a green progress bar growing takes between 5 & 10 minutes I think.
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and back to cacko it is ...
thanks thought you could only use CF :-) it's running now after that I'll try OZ... If it's no good I'll switch back to Cacko :-)
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Cxx0 General discussions / Nand Restore Problem
« on: August 14, 2006, 05:26:05 pm »
I want to do a nand restore to the origional sharp rom to get partitionsize to the origional size but it seems that my c860 hangs itself ...
when I select  nand flash restore in the service menu I get the message Nand restore from CF and then nothing happens ... I am waiting for 20 minutes now but still nothing ... how long does it take ? or what do I do to fix it ... (got the file unzipped and put it on a 516 mb CF formatted as Fat 16)
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most likely your CF card isn't being recognised - I tried & failed to restore from CF last night & in the end I formatted an sd card as fat16 & the restore worked first time.

You know the restore is working, because you get a green progress bar growing takes between 5 & 10 minutes I think.
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thanks thought you could only use CF :-) it's running now after that I'll try OZ... If it's no good I'll switch back to Cacko :-)

Cxx0 General discussions / Nand Restore Problem
« on: August 14, 2006, 05:15:02 pm »
I want to do a nand restore to the origional sharp rom to get partitionsize to the origional size but it seems that my c860 hangs itself ...
when I select  nand flash restore in the service menu I get the message Nand restore from CF and then nothing happens ... I am waiting for 20 minutes now but still nothing ... how long does it take ? or what do I do to fix it ... (got the file unzipped and put it on a 516 mb CF formatted as Fat 16)

General Discussion / Seagate Microdrive - Not Cf Flash Type
« on: September 26, 2005, 02:36:11 pm »
For everybody who failed to get the st1 drive from a muvo2 5gb (no fm) working in any device the firmware from nomad muvo2 4gb works with the muvo2 5gb (no fm) player so you can get your player up and running again...

For everybody who is still trying GOODLUCK ! and keep us posted ... I did what I could and didn't get it :-) so I gave the player to my girlfriend who's a happy girl now :-)

hope to hear if anybody cracks the problem ... please send me an email ...

Netherlands / eenzaam maar toch niet alleen ???
« on: September 17, 2005, 07:28:54 am »
Zolang je bestanden kan opslaan ben je blij, toch? Als je een ander filesystem wil, kan je een loopback filesystem maken. Dan ben je iets aan ruimte kwijt, maar dat lijkt me niet zo'n ramp.
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Dan moet mijn zaurus wel eerst de ST1 microdrive uit mijn muvo2 mp3 speler herkennen... tenminste hij ziet hem wel maar in de file browser en met fdisk kom ik nog nergens ...ik weet helaas net te weinig van linux en van hardware om de firmware van de disk te kraken ... hij start op maar valt na een paar seconden uit ... ik denk dat seagate de eerste blocks op de schijf heeft bewerkt ... Nog suggesties ?

General Discussion / Seagate Microdrive - Not Cf Flash Type
« on: September 09, 2005, 08:46:06 am »
It took a lot of googling to find some real information on how to overcome the problem of a bad partition on the microdrive... this page has links to a variety of hacks and stuff:

let us know how you get on!
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thanks I tried to determine what is happening to the first blocks but I think I have to try again since it got me nowhere ... Linux is still a bit alien to me .... so no results yet. I put the thing back in my muvo and contacted dreative for a firmware ... maybe that will help and I will keep on trying ...

anybody got the same drive and knows more than I do feel free to help :-)

Netherlands / eenzaam maar toch niet alleen ???
« on: September 09, 2005, 08:38:34 am »
Een usb lader maken was een makkie :-) nu nog mijn microdrive (ST1) aan de praat krijgen .... Wie heeft er ervaring met partities op microdrives waarvan de bootblocks beschermd zijn?? (ik heb een muvo2 mp3 speler uitelkaar gehaald en wil de drive gebruiken maar ja seagate was wel zo slim om dit zo moeilijk mogelijk te maken ...)

General Discussion / Seagate Microdrive - Not Cf Flash Type
« on: September 02, 2005, 01:00:38 am »
Tnanks I'm a bit busy so I will try after the weekend, what to do if it is protected??

Also I like to know if any micro drive works in the zaurus and if all microdrives are 5 volts ...

General Discussion / Seagate Microdrive - Not Cf Flash Type
« on: September 01, 2005, 04:24:26 pm »
got knoppix today and i can format and partition the drive (multiple partitions is not possible ?) I tried to delete the partition and create a new but it seems it goes a bit to fast to be credible ... but still I tried a linux partition and fat 16 (wich is not possible in 1 partition so it made a fat32 ??) none were readeble in the zaurus Ithink it is a voltage problem so unless someone has other suggestions I am putting the drive back in the muvo ...I am not giving up though ...:-)

General Discussion / Seagate Microdrive - Not Cf Flash Type
« on: August 31, 2005, 03:22:50 pm »
got another tip ... I'll try formatting it trough knoppix in my pc ... maybe that'll teach it :-)

I'll post the result here ...

(anyone got other thoughts .... please post them so we can crack this and everybody can get a cheap 5gb in their zaurus:-))

General Discussion / Seagate Microdrive - Not Cf Flash Type
« on: August 31, 2005, 11:40:29 am »
hmm maybe I spoke too soon
when I eject the drive and reinsert it it starts spinning and clicking but after a few seconds it stops ...

General Discussion / Seagate Microdrive - Not Cf Flash Type
« on: August 31, 2005, 11:30:09 am »
a little bit too late now :-)
so I need a utility to get around the firmware ... I'll try my friend google again but haven't found it yet before roaming around on the web trying to find a solution ...
If you have any suggestion I'd be gratefull ... thanks anyhow

General Discussion / Seagate Microdrive - Not Cf Flash Type
« on: August 31, 2005, 11:25:12 am »
(also I can hear the drive clicking when I start the zaurus)

Does it actually spin up though, I wonder if the drive is trying to draw too much power?

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it spins up but I also wonder if the c860 can handle 5volt microdrives or are all microdrives 5 volts??
I think I need to repartition it to get it working but the usb cardreader is not supported in partition magic 7...

Do I need to mount the drive or what?
Also is there a good linux disk utility to check drives ??

General Discussion / Seagate Microdrive - Not Cf Flash Type
« on: August 31, 2005, 09:58:06 am »
hmm. it does sound like there's a block device in place; I don't know what it would be called, /dev/hda or /dev/hdb. I am speculating that the firmware prevents a regular partition table being written.

Can you try "fdisk -l /dev/hda" (then hdb) etc? and see if one of them gives anything useful - even if there's no partition table it should help us identify which block device it is.

We could then try writing directly to the block device with "dd".

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Hee Paul thanks for the help I'm on my way in Linux got me a linux for dummies but it seems a bit too basic ... oh well got to start somewhere

fdisk -l /dev/hda got me only an empty line with "#"
so I mistyped it or I trie the hdb now ...

fdisk -l /dev/hdb got me the same ... is it fdisk -L<space> /dev/hda?

I'll try them al through hdz ...

General Discussion / Seagate Microdrive - Not Cf Flash Type
« on: August 31, 2005, 05:33:24 am »
Who can shed some light on this (I read a lot of the available posts but no solution yet)

Can the Z beat seagate ??
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what does "cardctl status" and "dmesg | tail" say? does the Z recognise it as any sort of device at all?
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with only the microdrive in place

cardctl status:
socket 0:
3,3v 16 bit pc card
socket 1:
no card

dmesg | tail:
rw_swap_page: bad swap file
rw_swap_page: bad swap file
rw_swap_page: bad swap file
rw_swap_page: bad swap file
rw_swap_page: bad swap file
rw_swap_page: bad swap file
rw_swap_page: bad swap file
rw_swap_page: bad swap file
rw_swap_page: bad swap file
FAT bread failed in fat_clusters_flush

so I'm new to the whole linux thing (I should get me a linux for dummys)
The zaurus has a menu item to eject drives (right bottem corner in cacko) and it says there as an option:
"eject card 0: ata/ide fixed disk"
So I guess it's found something...
(also I can hear the drive clicking when I start the zaurus)

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