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Gemini PDA - General Discussion / Linux Firmware 8 Source Location
« on: May 29, 2019, 06:11:17 am »
Hi again,
so I am back to business! I did install the sailfish test edition, although I am not sure if this was the solution. At least the last two firmware upgrades flashes did their homework.
On a sidenote, I also have to admit a silly mistake: the second flash worked but the device had not enough energy (well, you do not see how much is in there if it is not powering). So just a hint for others having to flash a lot - you only see if the device is having enough power if you charge it (red light) - after a good while or if you see a green light, it is good. Silly to forget about that....
After all, I could flash the mixture I wanted - rooted android 8.1 and debian - the perfect combination.

I also can confirm that the description of planetcomputer for flashing is 100% explaining every single bit. Just follow EVERY line and you are good to go. And it is much easier to let their online tool do the splatter file ;-)

Last sidenote: After seeing what sailfish does now: This seems to be a very good alternative to android 8.1 for our gemini! - but of course only if they manage to be able to install android apps. I hope so.
All the best, andro

Gemini PDA - General Discussion / Linux Firmware 8 Source Location
« on: May 28, 2019, 06:45:53 am »
Quote from: mgfm99
I have a multiboot with Sailfish X as the first slot, and then rooted Android. I tried to upgrade to 8.1 by just downloading all the Android images and not overwriting either Sailfish or userdata. I replaced my original scatter file with one generated with the same parameters for the new images. This flashed OK, and the Sailfish partition loaded, but the Android partition wouldn't boot - the planets just rotated. I then upgraded rather than downloaded, and allowed it overwrite all of the partitions. It worked this way, and I simply re-installed all of my data and files.

Many thanks for your input - very much appreciated! But I see, that you are one step further - you see the rotating planets! This is what never comes up on my device, although I reflashed everything (I also used Firmware update instead of Download - and I also tried to flash older versions with my older scatter files). Not booting up means I have no possibility to reset, no TWRP, no linux boot or else. It just seems that my gemini is missing something for the start....

Gemini PDA - General Discussion / Linux Firmware 8 Source Location
« on: May 28, 2019, 02:59:24 am »
I messed around a little bit, flashed old and new multiboot, but I did not get it to work. I presume I did something wrong, had to format and then I also flashed with with the latest 8.1 multiboot, everything works fine flashwise, but when I press the ESC it does not start. I get the startup vibration but it does not start. Of course no logo and everytime I press and hold the ESC it just vibrates every 5 seconds, but no recovery comes up.

How could I start from scratch? I have my backup but anyway I want to start new. I also tried the Singleboot (flashed the 8.1 image with the single splatter file) but it did not start either. I was thinking about flashing only debian, but I have the startup problem at first. Since I can flash without problem, I am not thinking that I bricked the device already completely ;-)

Maybe someone of you has the knowledge what is maybe missing and what could be steps I could try? I will try everything - if there is a way out of this, I will report, and maybe others can read this as a "backup" if something goes wrong, and to know what steps are needed. I am not very happy about holding people off flashing with my story, since this is the main advantage of this device (keyboard of course, too .
Cheers, Andro

yes, it is not that easy. Since I struggle with the update since 1 week, I am not the best, but let me throw in:
It could work that you just use your old scatter file and you just update what is "new" - do you have a rooted android image?
If you hope to just update the system to 8.1 and everything regarding your data stays untouched I am afraid this will not happen when you switch to the new orea plattform. And if it works you will get problems I am sure. But we are not talking about dirty flashing...
You are always on the safe side if you use Titanium Backup, backup everything, and start with a new scatter file (from the new page which now works after 2 weeks) and all the new zips (WIFI gemini, and debian).
The description for multiboot flashing is quite good on their homepage.
cheers, andreas

Gemini PDA - General Discussion / partitioning tool woes
« on: February 25, 2019, 03:17:40 am »
You are right - a lot of options are now not working anymore. I do not know sailfish, but it looks like it has to do with it, because kali should not be affecting this boot sequence. I wonder why do not have others these problems? No more multibooter??
Regards, Andy

Gemini PDA - Android / Login
« on: May 16, 2018, 09:19:42 am »
And did you have success with replacing ENTER with SPACE to unlock? Was another tipp somewhere in this forum...

Gemini PDA - Android / Login
« on: May 16, 2018, 09:19:01 am »
Thats why I switched of PIN lock. But a keyboard on a keyboard device should work all the time - but I recall that android has some restrictions here.

Same with clock: it is possible to somehow 'overlay' the unlock screen in android. I had the same problems with my other phone on android 7 (with an alarm app) and I somehow could manage to solve it. It was some settings to switch on/off which I do not remember anymore since I now have android 8. Could this be "these apps are allowed to overlay others"?

Gemini PDA - Android / Lid Switch Behavior - can it be changed?
« on: May 16, 2018, 09:12:26 am »
This is another question, where I would want more input from someone at PLANET. They could reduce their support questions when answering here - and new customers could find their solution lateron, too. It is a pity that no one from the developers is here - your question is very funded and needs only a short answer. We are all not complaining too much when there is no solution by now - but it is harder to stand if there is no answer.

To your question from my view: The state when lid closed is very economic - it manages to save a lot of battery when the lid is closed. Seems that they overdid it...

Gemini PDA - German / Keyboard Deutsch - Tastenbelegung falsch?
« on: May 09, 2018, 05:10:01 pm »
Ich möchte das selbst beantworten, da ich es lösen konnte mit dem Support:

es ist essentiell, das GEMINI german keyboard auszuwählen! Es gibt auch keyboard layouts die "deutsch" heissen, und das ist aktuell noch falsch. Angeblich wird es im Laufe der wochen noch besser benannt. Derzeit läuft man aber eventuell in die Irre mit dem falschen, richtig klingenden, Layout.

Abgesehen davon glaube ich macht ein deutsches Subforum wenig Sinn, da auch im englischen schon wenig user sind. Dann wohl besser all-in-one, also im englischen Forum ;-)

Gemini PDA - German / Keyboard Deutsch - Tastenbelegung falsch?
« on: April 17, 2018, 06:03:41 am »
ich kämpfe mit meinem Gemini, da ich das richtige Hardware Tastaturlayout geliefert bekommen habe, aber scheinbar die Aktivierung nach Software nicht hinkriege.
Ich habe an allen möglichen Ecken probiert - immer wenn ich die physische Tastatur auf DEUTSCH stelle, funktionieren nicht alle Tasten wie sie sollen.

Beispiel: Taste "?" rechts neben JKL sollte also laut Tastatur "?" ergeben. Interessanterweise kommt bei mir dann "ä". Das ist 100% falsch, kann aber eigentlich nur aus einem deutschen Layout stammen (wenn, dann wäre aber "ö" hier richtig - was aber keinen Sinn macht, wenn die Beschriftung "?" heisst.
Jetzt habe ich aber nirgends ein Fragezeichen zum Eingeben. Auf der gleichen Taste sollte per FN auch das "@" Zeichen sein, aber das geht auch nicht. Damit habe ich kein "@" und muss es über die Soft-Tastatur eingeben. Das ist Käse.
Laut Gemini sollte die richtige Einstellung die richtige Tastaturbelegung liefern und mein Problem beheben, aber ich habe die Vermutung, dass das Key Mapping per Software nicht stimmt.
Die Taste und alle anderen gehen ja, und mit anderer Ländereinstellung liefert die Taste (und alle anderen) auch brav andere Sachen (inkl. FN modifier).

Die Frage: Gehen andere deutsche Geminis, und könnt ihr mir sagen, was ihr eingestellt habt?
Danke, Andreas

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