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Topics - pgas

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Zaurus - pdaXrom / Emacs 21.4 For Rc11
« on: October 03, 2005, 08:27:14 am »
emacs binaries only:
* emacs-base_21.4a_armv5tel.ipk :

emacs lisp files:
* emacs-lisp_21.4a_armv5tel.ipk

emacs lisp sources (the previous contains the byte compiled lisp files):
* emacs-lisp-source_21.4a_armv5tel.ipk

emacs info manuals and man pages:
*  emacs-documentation_21.4a_armv5tel.ipk

emacs leim (multilanguage inputs):
* emacs-leim_21.4a_armv5tel.ipk

emacs various (refcard, tex and other pretty useless things)
*  emacs-extra_21.4a_armv5tel.ipk

Emacs by default wants other fonts than the ones in pdaxrom installing them is left as an exercise.

But you can still start emacs like :  emacs -fn 8x13

Mirrors are welcome

Let me know if something is wrong

Zaurus - pdaXrom / Gnu Screen 4.0.2 For Rc11
« on: October 01, 2005, 07:47:57 am »

Zaurus - pdaXrom / Rosetta
« on: July 06, 2005, 11:54:56 am »
before using it make sure to read "using rosetta" :

it depends on  gpe-icons and libgpewidget.

It is not as integrated as well as in oz/gpe, it does not resize when the screen is rotated,
but it starts with the right size (ie close and reopen it when you rotate)

Site Suggestions, Requests, and Updates / Affero
« on: June 30, 2005, 04:05:54 am »

"(affero) withhold a fee equal to the greater of $1.00 or 6% of the amount transferred to Affero"

I didn't explore exactly how it works though.

But it might be an idea to add oesf / openzaurus whatever to the list of causes

Off Topic forum / A New Simpad : Pepper Wireless Pad
« on: May 10, 2005, 02:28:48 am »
Interesting for us it uses an  xscale processor and claims  to have" Java 2, Mozilla® with Macromedia® Flashâ„¢ ".

Are we going to have flash for the Zaurus?

[img]\" border=\"0\" class=\"linked-image\" /]


    * Intel XScale PXA270 (624 MHz)


    * 8.4" 800x600 SVGA TFT LCD
    * Intel 2700G 2D/3D/MPEG multimedia accelerator
    * 16 MB video RAM
    * Composite video out jack (NTSC/PAL)


    * 256 MB SDRAM
    * 16 MB Intel StrataFlash ROM


    * 20 GB 1.8" disk drive (ATA)


    * 3.6Ah Lithium ION rechargeable battery
    * 5V / 3A (15W) AC power adapter


    * E-mail, Web Browsing, AOL® Instant Messagingâ„¢, Journal, Internet Radio, Remote Control
    * Music, Photo & Video Libraries (MP3, JPG, PNG, GIF, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, AVI, DivX)
    * Linux 2.4 (MontaVistaâ„¢ CEE 3.1)
    * Java 2, Mozilla® with Macromedia® Flashâ„¢
    * Customizable & extensible user experience available in English, Korean and other languages upon request.

Wi-Fi® Wireless LAN

    * 802.11b
    * WEP, WPA-Personal

Wireless Peripherals

    * Bluetooth® device support
    * Dual IR emitters and IR receiver

Wired Peripherals

    * USB 1.1 Client/Host

Expansion Slots

    * SD/MMC card


    * 20-bit stereo CODEC
    * Stereo speakers and headphone jack
    * Built-in microphone and jack
    * Stereo line out jack

User Input

    * Resistive touch screen with stylus
    * Full split back lit QWERTY keypad
    * 4-way game direction-pad
    * Scroll wheel


    * Rugged and splash resistant
    * 12.1" x 6.6" x 0.8" (309 x 175 x 20mm)
    * 2.3 lbs (1043 grams)

Zaurus - pdaXrom / Thinking About A "debian Rom"
« on: April 08, 2005, 09:13:00 am »
Would you like a "debian rom" ie something similar to pdaxrom but using the libraries and packages compiled by debian-arm?
Is this a good idea or a chrooted debian is good enough?
Is this a totally ridiculous idea, zaurus are not up to the task?

Problems I see with a debian rom:

*kernel will not be the one from debian but this doesn't seem to be a problem as users of chrooted seems happy
* how to handle of the different volumes?
    ipkg creates links for the packages installed on the cards/user partition and thus it is fairly to choose where to put what.
    apt-get doesn't do this something like this, thus choosing where the package should go is perhaps impossible.
   (Perhaps one base-system  on the internal flash, unionfs for sd/cf card)
* size of the packages
  - are debian package stripped? maybe we want something to automatically strip the packages this is not a big problem.
  - do we want full packages with full documentation?
  - would it be possible to automatically discard the documentation?
* as it will probably take more disk space, a memory card might be an absolute  requirement to run anything interesting.

Zaurus customization:
* pdaxrom has an optimized x server with some acceleration
   It would be relatively easy to recompile the xserver of pdaxrom for debian I think
    but then how will the debian dependency react to this or is it easy to create our own x debian packages that will replace the one from debian?
* power button, light rotation etc..this is probably the trickiest and most time-consuming part though sashz allready have solutions
for most of these problems  it  will be necessary to find the patches, recompile etc..
*not softfloat optimization, but  does it really make a difference?

The immediate benefit would be the thousands of packages readily available.

Zaurus - pdaXrom / Umsdos And Msdos Modules
« on: April 05, 2005, 04:23:15 pm »
- copy the 2 .o to /lib/modules/2.4.18-rmk7-pxa3-embedix/kernel/fs
- depmod -a
- modprobe msdos and modprobe umsdos load the modules

but I  don't know if they work or if something else is needed

(follow-up of

Site Suggestions, Requests, and Updates / Oe Forum Statistics
« on: March 31, 2005, 06:58:11 am »
I would like to see a script/ poll / a way  like  where we would be able to specify the zaurus model(s) we own and the rom(s) we use to gather statistics like 100 users own a 5500, among which 50 use OZ, 50 the sharp rom.....

I don't think we can do this with the poll implemented in the forum as there is a large number of combinations and users with more than one Z can't vote twice.

I think rom developers might also be interested in this kind of info.

Of course some might be tempted to vote 100 times for they beloved rom  but we can hope  that Z users are above that........

Zaurus - pdaXrom / Qtopia 1.7 For Pdaxrom
« on: March 31, 2005, 12:41:42 am »
I compiled qt/e and qtopia1.7 with some of the patches from qtopia for yopy, and it actually works. (I used rc9.1 but it should work with other releases >RC5)

It's only a first try and it is not packaged or whatever, but you can find the compiled source trees here (Thanks to scott for the hosting):

I didn't test it too much myself, I didn't try the alarm hack , I didn't try any application besides the qtopia one.

Note that anything that is drawn by X when you use qtopia actually appears in qtopia
(ie clock, battery applet , console message if you run qtopia from a terminal etc...)

Feel free to try, packaged it, hack it.

Zaurus - pdaXrom / Thunderbird: Disable The Junk Filter
« on: March 24, 2005, 02:22:25 am »
I don't use thunderbird but here it is said:

Disable Junk Mail Filter (IMPORTANT) - The adaptive Junk Mail filter in Thunderbird should be disabled for each account you set up. The Junk Mail filter thrashes whatever media it runs from (1,000 to 3,000 I/O writes just for marking a message as junk) which, for our purposes, will decrease flash ram life and cause the application to run *VERY* slow.

Deals and Great Z Buys / Brando Screen Protector From Germany
« on: March 24, 2005, 01:51:14 am »

They ship worldwide, but don't have other accessories for the Z in stock.

I didn't receive mine yet, but they ship it within a few hour and have 100% positive.

edit: they also have the usb retractable cable for the 3000

Zaurus - pdaXrom / Kdepim-unstable-1.10-rc9.1_2.0.14_armv5tel.ipk
« on: March 06, 2005, 06:10:33 pm »
I've just uploaded kdepim 2.0.14 compile with RC9.1 sdk (which seems not so much up to date as gtk is 2.4, anyway..) to the unstable feed.

I ve adopted the naming scheme i suggested in another thread (ie name of the package is kdepim-unstable-1.10-rc9,1) so desinstall previous kdepim packages and install this one.

here is how I cross compile it:

- install the cross sdk, ie decompress in /

- run /opt/cross/arm/3.3.2-xscale-softvfp/

- type : export QMAKESPEC="/opt/cross/arm/3.3.2-xscale-softvfp/armv5tel-cacko-linux/qt   /mkspecs/default"

- extract kdepim somewhere (in my case /opt/cross/arm/)

- cd /opt/cross/arm/kdepim

- remove all Makefile (in subdirectories also)

- qmake

- make clean
- change /usr/lib/ to /opt/cross/arm/3.3.2-xscale-softvfp/armv5tel-cacko-linux/lib/ in /opt/cross/arm/kdepim/gammu/emb/gammu/Makefile  (line 22)

- change #include "/usr/local/qt/include/qdialog.h" to #include "/opt/cross/arm/3.3.2-xscale-softvfp/armv5tel-cacko-linux/qt/include/qdialog.h" in /opt/cross/arm/kdepim/kmicromail/qpe/qdialog.h (line 11 and 27)

- change (add -liconv)

 LIBS     = $(SUBLIBS) -L/opt/cross/arm/3.3.2-xscale-softvfp/armv5tel-cacko-linux/lib  -L$(QTDIR)/lib -L/opt/cross/arm/3.3.2-xscale-softvfp/armv5tel-cacko-linux/lib -L../bin -lmicromailwrapper -lmicrolibetpan -lmicrokde -lssl -lcrypto -lmicrokdepim -lmicrokabc -lqt-mt -lXext -lX11 -lm -Wl,-rpath-link,/opt/cross/arm/3.3.2-xscale-softvfp/armv5tel-cacko-linux/lib to


LIBS     = $(SUBLIBS) -L/opt/cross/arm/3.3.2-xscale-softvfp/armv5tel-cacko-linux/lib -liconv -L$(QTDIR)/lib -L/opt/cross/arm/3.3.2-xscale-softvfp/armv5tel-cacko-linux/lib -L../bin -lmicromailwrapper -lmicrolibetpan -lmicrokde -lssl -lcrypto -lmicrokdepim -lmicrokabc -lqt-mt -lXext -lX11 -lm -Wl,-rpath-link,/opt/cross/arm/3.3.2-xscale-softvfp/armv5tel-cacko-linux/lib

in /opt/cross/arm/kdepim/kmicromail/Makefile (line 22)

- make
- wait some time....
- hopefully everything is in /opt/cross/arm/kdepim/bin.

to make an ipk, read the sdk tutorial in the documentation, don't forget to strip what can be stripped . Untar (tar -zxvf) one of the previous ipk to see the control file, .desktop and where to put the files  (not sure if I used the best solution, i copied the structure of the suse package and linked everything in /opt/kdepimpi to /usr/lib/qt/bin so that the binaries are found in the pdaxrom default path)

Linux Applications / Lighttpd
« on: February 11, 2005, 10:29:04 am »

if it can be ported to arm that is.

General Discussion / Swap Image On A Ramdrive
« on: February 03, 2005, 08:43:10 am »
I was browsing looking for info on the preload application stuff that comes with Qtopia.

And found this article: How to use RAM as swap

Please try not start a flame war here, this is not the goal of my post. If you have some theory about why it is usefull or not please add your comments there.
(This is to somehow limit the extent of the war as I'm going to shoot first  )

I'm myself a bit surprised that such a thing could work but I would like to know if anybody tried this on his Z and if it has brought  are some performance improvment or not.

I tried a little bit just now, and plan to do a bit more testing but I can't say I've seen any difference.

The only thing that is perhaps usefull is that Linux seems to use the swap as soon as there is one and not only when memory is full (if I understand cat /proc/meminfo enough). So that if you create a swap file on an sd card, Linux will start writing on it whatever you do.  So by creating a swapfile in a ramdrive with a higher priority in a ramdrive and a second one with a lower priority somewhere on flash maybe the second one will be used only when needed.   (untested).

anway I have added another point to my post counter

Zaurus - pdaXrom / Non Specific Rc8 Software Working With Rc8
« on: January 12, 2005, 06:30:21 am »
There are applications that are build specifically for rc5-8, the ones on the current feed, the ones on the unstable feed, and some more here and there.

It also seems that some applications from the debian distribution, oldunstable feed, the  familiar and in feeds for other rom that were not specifically build for rc5 or rc8 but that work well nonetheless.

Maybe Laze can pinned a thread were people can report these particular applications and where to find them.

Maybe Laze can setup a repository for these known working apps.

Maybe  some people can take up the task to repackage  (.deb-> .ipk, add launcher and icons for matchbox ...)  and upload  these apps in a new feed "external feed".
Anyone having a Z should be able to perform this task after reading half a page of documentation.

We will this way ends up with "only" 3 feeds instead of searching the forums instead to find applications:

- one official
- one with applications rebuilded for pdaxrom by contributors
- one with the rest

What do you think?

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