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Topics - pgas

Pages: 1 2 [3]
Zaurus - pdaXrom / Synergy2
« on: December 08, 2004, 01:05:57 pm »
I've upload the Synergy client to the unstable feed.

Synergy is a software KVM that, providing you have set up a synergy server on a pc and you are running the client on the Z, allow you to use the keyboard and the mouse of  
the  pc to control you Z.

Be sure to read the Synergy documentation.

It works, only trouble: I don't seem to be able to get back to the pc except by killing the client. I don't know why.

Zaurus - pdaXrom / links -g
« on: November 11, 2004, 04:38:48 pm »
I've just uploaded links with graphics support in the unstable feed

You might want to remove a previous links package before installing this one

Start it with links -g. It rocks ! (unfortunately my Z refuses to make a screenshot right now...)

Thanks to vfp, having only the x driver or the new version it takes about 5-8 s to start in graphic mode and not the 35s stated in  this thread

For those interested I cross-compiled it using:
Code: [Select]
CC=armv5tel-cacko-linux-gcc LD=CC=armv5tel-cacko-linux-ld ./configure --host=armv5tel-cacko-linux --target=armv5tel-cacko-linux --build=i686-linux --x-includes=/opt/arm/3.3.2-vfp/armv5tel-cacko-linux/X11R6/include --x-libraries=/opt/arm/3.3.2-vfp/armv5tel-cacko-linux/X11R6/lib --disable-debug --prefix=/usr/local --enable-graphics --with-ssl --without-libtiff --without-svgalib --without-directfb -without-pmshell --without-atheos  --with-x --enable-javascript
Edit: I ve been able to take a screenshot of the window but xwd fails with the -root for links ...

Zaurus - pdaXrom / Windows key on the Z
« on: November 10, 2004, 02:48:51 am »
Setting a key so that it acts like the windows key is easy:

edit the file /etc/X11/kb/corgi.xmodmap (you might want to keep a copy of the original)

modify the line:
Code: [Select]
keycode 130 = Super_Ladd the line
Code: [Select]
add mod4 = Super_L
restart x or do xmodmap /etc/X11/kb/corgi.xmodmap in a terminal
and you have a windows key map to the left "kanji" key.
You can obviously choose another key (use xev to find its keycode).

What's the benefit? you can setup more shorcut for controlling the wm, launching app ...

for instance I'm trying fluxbox now and I have added in ~/.fluxbox/key

Mod4 Left :PrevWindow
Mod4 Right :NextWindow
Mod4 r :ExecCommand fbrun

reload the config and by pressing "kanji" + r it launches fbrun

Zaurus - pdaXrom / Nfs server on win32
« on: November 09, 2004, 03:46:32 pm »
TrueGrid nfs server is a free nfs server for windows.

It seems not to be distributed anymore by truegrid but you can find
 it here.

I tried it on win XP and it works follow the instructions in the readme.

I used this line
Code: [Select]
/d/export -access=zaurus,path=d:\export  
in my C:\windows\etc\exports  file  and  this line :
Code: [Select]
pc:/d/export /mnt/pc  nfs     noauto,hard,intr,nolock,async,wsize=1024,rsize=2048 0 0in my /etc/fstab on the zaurus so that I can mount using:

Code: [Select]
mount /mnt/pc
It is limited by the windows filesystem (ie no link, no 2 file with the same name and different cases etc...).
Is it better than using Samba: I've no idea  

Zaurus - pdaXrom / streaming to the Z with VLC.
« on: November 06, 2004, 04:49:14 am »
If you have a desktop pc powerfull enough, you can stream real time transcoded video to you Z
using vlc.

Go to open file (advanced), chose your file,
click on output check box and in parameters
 choose click http and put the ip of your pc (ie
choose MPEG 1,
mp1V for video codec, 512 kbps, scale 1
mp2a 96 kbps

then on your Z use your mplayer favorite options (I think -framedrop is a must,
this thread)

and open

I choose mpge1 as I think its decompression is less cpu intensive, with
the above options  video (a cartoon) was watchable, try by yourself there are lots of other choices

You can also stream a DVD an watch it on your Z this way

Anyway  maybe some will find this usefull.

Zaurus - pdaXrom / UCLX compressor
« on: November 04, 2004, 02:08:00 am »
Last night I was playing with upx which is an efficient executable packer but unfortunately is doesn't create arm executable.

I was readying myself to try something when I saw that there was allready
an application for zaurus using the same library: uclx !!

The compression rate/decrompession speed of the ucl library is impressive (upx was still able to compress decrompress), I've seen someone stating that launch time was even faster after compression and I will definitely (try) to compile uclx later today , if someone doesn't do so  or haven't do so before.

The drawback: it uses a little bit of space on storage for decompression.

I'm posting this because I think those among us without a 4G microdrive might be interested.

Zaurus - pdaXrom / pdaxrom flickering
« on: October 29, 2004, 02:28:14 am »
Another thread about this

from this thread :
What can this shiver thing be caused by? Could it be some beating between the scanning of the display and the frequency at which the backlight LEDs are switched on and off (with a varying duty cycle to change the brightness)? How much of this is under software control?

I do see flickering with pdaxrom,  this doesn't happens with cacko. Or does it?
From my experience, when you write something for a tv applications (poor display)
there are some things, like a one pixel white line on a black background, you can't do otherwise you get flickering.

So I was wondering if the flickering is not a problem like this ie the sharp display just
cannot display a thin green line on a black bg and full brightness whitout flickering.  Note that (from what I remember) things are larger and thicker in qtopia.

 Maybe the only solution to this problem is to use thicker and larger fonts, change the colors used etc... and not some sash's magic

(Note perhaps someone can try to run Aterm in x/qt on the sharp rom to see if indeed flicker does not happen)

my 2 cents

Zaurus - pdaXrom / install and coreutils
« on: October 20, 2004, 03:09:32 am »
from this thread :

I searched for the "install" program and the package called coreutils has it on my Debian system. Any suggestion how to get it in pdaXrom. (I'm using RC5 native SDK)

Download it here and compile
it. It is named ginstall so you will have to rename it.

In fact I have allready done this, so I guess I could upload it to the unstable thread.

A thing that prevent me from doing this is what form to give to this package.
coreutils contain several small utilities. Some are allready present on the rom via
busybox (well if i rember well). What would be the best

- one ipk for each util
- one ipk for the util missing from busybox, one for the one covered by busybox
- one ipk core_utils

Zaurus - pdaXrom / gjots2
« on: October 19, 2004, 05:49:35 am »
see there:

I think this can be usefull app for pdaxrom and easy to port since pdaxrom allready has
python and pygtk.

I'll give it a t
ry if  nobody does it before I find time to do it.

* edit : humm it requires  gnome-2, gnome-python-2 could be a bit more difficult to port than i first thought

Off Topic forum / 2 other xscale linux machines
« on: July 26, 2004, 07:21:56 am »
one that exists:

Basically a something like a zaurus without a screen

[img]\" border=\"0\" class=\"linked-image\" /]

one that  is still a project

A linux pda oriented / scientific calculator

[img]\" border=\"0\" class=\"linked-image\" /]

Zaurus - pdaXrom / function f1, f2 etc... keys under x11
« on: January 09, 2004, 02:13:03 am »
Under x11 (not in a console), is there a \"standard\" way defined to
simulate this keys?

fn + 1 to simulate F1 seems obvious but  I\'ve seen that foxdie
is willing to use the function + number key to change the brightness.

The reason I ask this is that i can easilly make a patch (or a macro, I\'m not sure yet) for microemacs to simulate these function keys, but I don\'t want
to introduce a new way to input these keys.

Zaurus - pdaXrom / Right Shift <-> Pointer_Enablekeys
« on: January 09, 2004, 02:04:02 am »
I\'ve compiled jasspa microemacs.
The right shift key is inserting an extra character under x11.

I\'ve asked the me developers anf following their advice I\'ve found  that the right shift key is \"bind\" to Pointer_enable_key (0xfef9).

This could easily be fixed in MicroEmacs but before providing a fix,
I would like to know if their is any particular reason for that?

Zaurus - pdaXrom / 860 - backup - newbie
« on: December 17, 2003, 08:00:21 am »
hi, i\'m new 860 owner.

I\'m willing to give a try at the X11 roms.
I\'ve read  that the latest release include support for the 860 though the archive does not contain a directory
kernel-SL-860 is this because it\'s just a simlink to kernel-SL-760 ?

Also I\'ve read in the Faq that the updater propose to do a backup, what kind of backup is it performing?

Should I expect trouble if I flash from a SD card? (that is besides the normal troubles)

(little bit off topic)
Is their a way to perform a backup of the original rom other than the nand backup (since I only have a SD card and not a CF).

Thanks in advance.

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